Marketing Minutes with Alain Heureux

The IAB’s Medi­as­cope Europe research reports cov­er 28 mar­kets and have more than 50,000 con­sumer reviews. What key insight has the research found for brands? “Become more dig­i­tal-cen­tric” says IAB Europe Chair­man Alain Heureux.

We sat down with Heureux for our lat­est Mar­ket­ing Min­utes to talk about the need for mar­keters to go dig­i­tal-first and become involved in the EU Self-reg­u­la­tion for online behav­iour­al adver­tis­ing ini­tia­tive.

We’re always on the look­out for dig­i­tal marketing’s best and bright­est. Who would you like to see fea­tured in our Mar­ket­ing Min­utes series? Tell us in the com­ments or tweet us @AdobeMktgCloud with #mar­ket­ing­min­utes