Adobe STC Summit Interviews 6: The Hairball of Content & Write Shorter Sentences
In this week’s installment of more Thought Leader interview’s from this year’s STC Summit, we cover a variety of topics, ranging from why TechComm students should learn HTML5, how to unravel the “hairball of content” to why it is so important to just writer shorter sentences.
Ray Gallon: Untangling the Hairball of Content
“There is a big tangle of content that we have to unravel and work with.” In his STC/Adobe booth interview, European though leader, Ray Gallon, eloquently states the challenge that faces us with multiple content stakeholders (creators and consumers.) Watch this video for a vivid “word picture” on how to visualize both the challenge and the solution.
John Daigle: TechComm Students Should Learn HTML5
In this STC/Adobe booth interview, Help expert, John Daigle, (@hypertexas), gives clear guidance to students preparing for a career in technical communications. “If students do their [HTML5] homework, they will be much more successful in getting a job.” HTML5 is overtaking the webword because it is so much more adaptive than traditional HTML. Website visitors can see content shrink, swell or change layout, depending on the device and screen used for display.
Val Swisher: Write Shorter Sentences
In this STC/Adobe booth interview, Val Swisher of Content Rules shares “what is the one thing I can do to improve my content.” The answer? Write shorter sentences. Period. List to discover what the benefits are from this seemingly simple advice.
Molle Barrett: MOOCs and the Future of TechComm
In this STC/Adobe booth interview, Molle Barrett discusses the “MOOCs” project. She is cncentrating on the content life cycle in this educational forum. This is an educational opportunity that is open to anyone and has no “dollar sign” on it. Molle sees the next generation of TechComm as made up of people who see no limits and just get it done.
Mark Lewis: Lowering the Cost of Content Development
In this STC/Adobe booth interview, thought leader Mark Lewis discusses how project costs go down proportionately to the rate of content re-use. Many people still think that “copy/paste” is a form of content reuse. Mark discusses how the concept is change once, affect many, and further insights into the content life cycle.
Watch for more episodes coming soon
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