RoboHelp 10 Featurette Videos, part 7: RoboScreenCapture and Multi-level Lists

This is the seventh in a series of blogs that cluster together some very brief, but useful “how to” videos on important features in RoboHelp 10. Part 1 of this series focus on navigation links and Part 2 focused on dealing with two types of graphics, Part 3 focused on TOCs and profiles while Part 4 focused on bookmarks and previewing conditional content, Part 5 covered sharing resources and Part 6 covered “see also” and “lean” workspaces.

This blog focuses on how to create “see also” references and also how to simplify your RoboHelp workspaces. Watch the videos and find out how!

ROBOHELP 10: Images, Screen tips and ALT text

One way to optimize search (SEO) results for your published RoboHelp projects is to make the most of images. This brief 3 minute video shows you (a) how to name videos with purpose-driven titles, (b) use Screen Tip settings to have relevant caption text appear during mouse hovers over an image and also (c) enter ALT Text, which is seen be Google and other search engines that index your context. The steps in RoboHelp 10 are extremely easy to do. Watch the video and let Product Evangelist @maxwellhoffmann show you how: you can do it too!

ROBOHELP 10: Annotated Screen Captures from RoboScreenCapture

RoboHelp has a built-in screen capture facility, which will let you create high quality captures (with annotations) while authoring topics in our Help project. Watch this 5 minute video and let product evangelist @maxwellhoffmann show you just how simple RoboScreenCapture is to use. You can do it too!

ROBOHELP 10: Creating Multi-level Lists

Many RoboHelp users are accustomed to the icons for creating a bulleted or numbered list, but haven’t noticed the icon for multi-level lists. This very brief video shows just how easy it is to make several types of nested lists, with or without numbers. Go ahead and try it: you can do it too!

Have your own hands-on with RoboHelp 10 and decide how you can use it

After watching these videos, you may wish to have your own hands-on with RoboHelp. The quickest way to do this is to have use a trial copy of Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes FrameMaker 11 and RoboHelp 10. You can try your own hands-on by clicking here. This link also includes a link to a Quick Start Guide for RoboHelp.