Marketing Minutes with Brian Solis, Altimeter Group

Tele­vi­sion, radio and the inter­net have changed soci­ety. What we do, where we go and how we do it has been affect­ed, and mar­keters need to pay atten­tion to this. Are you doing enough to get in front of con­sumers instead of just react­ing to them?

Fol­low­ing our recent event in Lon­don with acclaimed author and prin­ci­pal at Altime­ter Group, Bri­an Solis, our Jere­my Waite sat down with him to talk about tech­nol­o­gy, inno­va­tion and disruption:

We’re always on the look­out for dig­i­tal marketing’s best and bright­est. Who would you like to see fea­tured in our Mar­ket­ing Min­utes series? Tell us in the com­ments or tweet @AdobeMktgCloud with #mar­ket­ing­min­utes