Adobe STC Summit Interviews 8: It’s Not About the Tools and Know Your Audience
This is the final in our blog series on STC Summit interviews recorded in our Adobe booth in Atlanta this May. In this edition, two thought leaders ponder why you shouldn’t start your authoring decision with which tool to use, and why it is so important to identify your audience and its needs before authoring.
Sarah O’Keefe: It’s Not About the Tool
In this STC/Adobe interview, Sara O’Keefe maintains that your search for a solution should not start with a focus on what tools to select for authoring. You starting point should be determining what type of relevant, business-critical content you need to deliver. Do you need to deliver high quality PDF? Can your users be happy with web and mobile access only? Will your content require a certain type of metadata? How will you manage your content? Once you have answered these questions, then you can qualify and determine which authoring tools will best suit your needs.
Paul Wlodarczyk: Know Your Audience
In this STC/Adobe interview, Paul Wlodarczyk maintains that you should be passionate about your audience. Think about what your readers are trying to. Are they trying to sell something or are they trying to save lives? You need to know the ROI of what you create from the user’s perspective.
AdobeTCS’s Commitment to Ongoing Education
Although this concludes our current blog series on thought leadership, please stay tuned. AdobeTCS will be presenting a free “Adobe Day” of live Thought Leadership the day before Lavacon in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, October 20th. It will essentially be a “demo-free” half day session of vision and guidance from well known thought leaders, followed by lunch. There is no charge and you do not have to be registered for Lavacon to attend. Visit this blog a few days from now to find the link for registration at the end of this blog.