Facebook Ads: Top 5 creative ways to achieve higher CTR

The pres­ence of peo­ple, choice of back­ground colours and even prod­uct angling all con­tribute to the effec­tive­ness of your Face­book ads, accord­ing to our lat­est research.

We analysed over 1,700 Face­book ad images used by adver­tis­ers from across Europe, the US, Aus­tralia and Asia via Adobe Media Opti­miz­er. This cov­ered a two month peri­od (Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber 2012) and includ­ed a range of indus­tries such as finance, pub­lish­ing, trav­el, edu­ca­tion, real estate, tech­nol­o­gy and sport. For each image, we looked at impres­sions and CTR, along with demo­graph­ic data relat­ing to the per­son who clicked in the image (such as their gen­der, age and location).

As a result, we were able to iden­ti­fy some key fac­tors to con­sid­er when select­ing the images to use in your Face­book adver­tis­ing that could increase your CTR

Did you know that hav­ing peo­ple in your images, espe­cial­ly women, could result in twice as many clicks, com­pared to an image fea­tur­ing a man? In terms of back­ground imagery, uni­form (such as a sol­id colour) is the way to go– but beware, the colour you choose is just as impor­tant with pur­ple and yel­low get­ting the most clicks. We also found that the angle and fram­ing of the image make all the dif­fer­ence, with close-ups of prod­ucts and peo­ple proven to dri­ve the high­est CTR.

The research even showed the old­er you are the more you’ll click! Peo­ple 51–60 are 2.5 times more like­ly to click on ads tar­get­ed to them, com­pared to teens.

Take a look at the info­graph­ic below for some more of our find­ings and vis­it the web­site to learn more about Adobe Media Opti­miz­er.
