The results are in: Adobe 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey

Have you ever spot­ted a great mobile ad and clicked through, only to be direct­ed to a desk­top web­site? Con­sumers have, and noth­ing is more annoy­ing than 2pt font on an already small screen.

So we asked more than 3,000 mobile users in Europe and North Amer­i­ca about how they use their mobile devices to surf the web and what they want most from their mobile expe­ri­ences. Our results show that mobile devices have changed the way con­sumers inter­act with busi­ness­es and dig­i­tal mar­keters must under­stand how con­sumers use their devices in order to suc­ceed. It’s time to get on the mobile band­wag­on — a sin­gu­lar mobile strat­e­gy is no longer good enough.

For con­sumers who own both a smart­phone and tablet, the pri­ma­ry device for brows­ing the web is still the smart­phone (77%). Nonethe­less, tablets are mak­ing strong head­way as a pri­ma­ry device, up from 12% in 2012 to 23% in 2013.

Con­sumers said 80% of tablet use hap­pens at home, and this is like­ly why tablet users spend more at online retail­ers than smart­phone users.

These stats are great, but what do they mean for your mobile strat­e­gy? The top rec­om­men­da­tion from con­sumers for mobile web­sites is “improve ease of use.”

Here are our top tips to keep mobile con­sumers hap­py and increase conversions:

  1. Reduce the num­ber of touch events to con­ver­sion: con­ver­sion rates are direct­ly impact­ed by stream­lined paths to pur­chase. Few­er steps (two or three) to check-out will keep your mobile con­ver­sions high
  2. Design for mobile inter­ac­tions: mobile vis­i­tors won’t have a mouse to click with, so ensure there is a focus on touch-dri­ven con­trols like swipe, pinch or zoom, and use larg­er but­tons to give users a more pleas­ant experience.
  3. Opti­mise for speed: a one sec­ond delay in the load­ing of a mobile page equals a 7% loss in con­ver­sion (accord­ing to Aberdeen Group). Inte­grate graph­ics that auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust for device size, net­work and plat­form to keep load­ing speeds high.
  4. Make search­ing easy: smart­phone users are not browsers. They vis­it an m‑commerce site with high intent and are like­ly to search first. Opti­mise your search for mobile and include handy fea­tures like spelling auto cor­rect and auto suggestions.

Down­load the full Adobe 2013 Mobile Con­sumer Sur­vey results.