RoboHelp 10 Featurette Videos, part 12: Using FM TOC or IX with Linked FM Files

When you LINK FrameMaker source files into a RoboHelp project, you can set the single source layout to use the generated FrameMaker Table of Contents. This is an easy, 2-step process. Adobe Certified Expert Matt Sullivan walks you this logical process. Whenever your source FrameMaker book and TOC is updated, you can captured the updated TOC in your RoboHelp Project. This 90 second video shows you how.

Have your own hands-on with RoboHelp 10 and decide how you can use it

After watching these videos, you may wish to have your own hands-on with RoboHelp. The quickest way to do this is to have use a trial copy of Tech Comm Suite 4, which includes FrameMaker 11 and RoboHelp 10. You can try your own hands-on by clicking here. This link also includes a link to a Quick Start Guide for RoboHelp.