Marketers: what keeps you up at night? You’re probably not alone.

Did you remem­ber to set your seg­ments to the lat­est data?

Did you cal­cu­late that engage­ment rate using the right formula?

Did you pub­lish the changes to your client’s website?

As a group, dig­i­tal mar­keters doubt their skills, effec­tive­ness and abil­i­ty to mea­sure impact. We found this out after sur­vey­ing 1,000 mar­keters in the US, ask­ing them about them­selves, their per­for­mance, and that of their com­pa­nies. Their answers gave us some inter­est­ing insights into what life is like as a mar­keter in 2013.

Below are a few insights from the survey:

We want to know: what keeps Euro­pean dig­i­tal mar­keters up at night? Tell us in the com­ments or tweet us @AdobeMktgCloud with #Dig­i­talD­is­tress – we might include your answers in a future blog.

If you want to see what else the mar­keters said, you can view the report here:

**Dig­i­tal Dis­tress: What Keeps Mar­keters Up at Night? **from Adobe