Info-Tech Research Group says Adobe Social is a “trend setter”

There are plen­ty of options avail­able when it comes to social media man­age­ment plat­forms, but only one has been called a “trend set­ter”. Adobe Social was recent­ly reviewed in the lat­est report from Info-Tech Research Group, Ven­dor Land­scape Plus: Social Media Man­age­ment Plat­forms (SMMP), and named the Val­ue Award winner.

“Adobe Social has emerged as a force to be reck­oned with in this year’s ven­dor land­scape,” says the report when high­light­ing the cham­pi­ons of the field.

So what makes Adobe Social a force to be reck­oned with? Its pow­er­ful engage­ment and ana­lyt­ics capa­bil­i­ties gives it the edge, not to men­tion its strong inte­gra­tion with­in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, pro­vid­ing mar­keters with a well-round­ed under­stand­ing of their dig­i­tal marketing.

Every mar­keter wants to know if social media is work­ing for them and their organ­i­sa­tion, but accord­ing to our lat­est report, less than half know how to actu­al­ly mea­sure their success.

With­in Adobe Social you can pub­lish, mod­er­ate and lis­ten to your social chan­nels, as well as cre­at­ing reports that help you see how your con­tent is per­form­ing. You can also pub­lish ads and build apps to cus­tomise your fans’ expe­ri­ences on Face­book. The respon­sive inter­face means you can work on the go on via your mobile devices too.

Read more about what Info-Tech Research Group has to say about the social media man­age­ment plat­form ven­dor landscape.