Photoshop Playbook Tutorial Series Solves Common Problems

One of the best parts of being on the Photoshop team is seeing how eager our community is to learn more about Photoshop. This is evidenced by the hundreds of Photoshop tutorials across YouTube and the web. We’ve noticed over time that most of our customers don’t seek Photoshop help as it relates to individual features like content-aware patch and camera shake reduction. Many customers want to learn how to use a combination of Photoshop tools to solve a problem.

That’s why we created a tutorial series just for solving problems. It’s called the Photoshop Playbook, and it’s dedicated to answering the questions we see most across our social channels, like how to make a fine-hair selection, how to remove an ex from a photo, or how to whiten teeth.


I encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are available each Friday. We will be posting a new episode of Photoshop Playbook each and every week! Further, we encourage you to join the conversation on Twitter about solving Photoshop problems with the hashtag #PhotoshopPlaybook.