Online Shoppers Turning To Mobile, Social During The Christmas Season

To gain more insight into online con­sumer shop­ping behav­ior, Adobe sur­veyed 1,200 peo­ple who plan to Christ­mas shop online in the UK, Ger­many and France (400 shop­pers in each coun­try) as part of the Adobe 2013 Hol­i­day Retail Survey.

And as the days tick down to Christ­mas, let’s take a look at what some of the num­bers reveal.

How Much Will Con­sumers Spend?

In the UK, online shop­pers indi­cat­ed their medi­an hol­i­day spend will be about 400 pounds (480 euros), while Ger­man and French online shop­pers antic­i­pate that they will spend about 300 euros (250 pounds) each.

Despite eco­nom­ic con­cerns, the major­i­ty of UK con­sumers antic­i­pate that they will spend the same online as they did last year, while more than half expect to spread between 21 per­cent and 60 per­cent of their hol­i­day spend online.


Will Con­sumers Rely On Mobile To Shop?

Absolute­ly, and even more so than in years past. In fact in Ger­many, 12 per­cent of con­sumers plan to rely more on their mobile device to Christ­mas shop than they did last year, while most (62 per­cent) will rely on mobile just as much as in 2012. Britons are even more keen on mobile this year, as 21 per­cent indi­cate they will use mobile to hol­i­day shop, while 68 per­cent plan to use it just as much as they did last year. France looks to have the least mobile growth this year among online shop­pers, as only 10 per­cent indi­cate they will rely more on mobile than in 2012; although, 65 per­cent of French online shop­pers will turn to mobile just as often. Also in France, 19 per­cent of online shop­pers say they often use their mobile to com­pare prices while in a phys­i­cal retail store — with this num­ber being even high­er among the younger gen­er­a­tion (aged 18–34) at 24 percent.


What Role Does Social Media Play?

More so than ever, accord­ing to Adobe’s Hol­i­day Retail sur­vey, mar­keters need to have a sol­id social strat­e­gy in place this hol­i­day sea­son. In France, 33 per­cent of online shop­pers plan to at least occa­sion­al­ly con­sult social media before buy­ing a gift online, while almost half of those sur­veyed in Ger­many (45 per­cent) indi­cat­ed they would also occa­sion­al­ly con­sult social media. As for which sites shop­pers will be con­sult­ing? More than half of all con­sumers across the UK, Ger­many and France antic­i­pate turn­ing to Face­book for help with their Christ­mas shop­ping, while Twit­ter, in every coun­try, is the sec­ond-most relied upon site for online gift buying.

Not sure where to turn to next? Receive use­ful tips and guid­ance across dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing this Christ­mas on Adobe’s Mar­ket­ing Cloud page .

About Mark Phibbs

Mark Phibbs

Mark Phibbs (@MarkPhibbs ) is Vice Pres­i­dent of Adobe Sys­tems for Europe, Mid­dle East and Africa (EMEA) Marketing.