Now Get Mobile OS and Browser Details in Adobe Analytics most customers receiving more and more mobile traffic on their web properties, the need for more detailed information around mobile devices has grown significantly. I’m pleased to announce that you can now identify the mobile browsers and operating systems in the standard Browser and Operating System reports in Adobe Analytics (formerly SiteCatalyst). This greater level of detail will help you to pinpoint issues with specific mobile browsers or operating systems. This change will be reflected in these two reports rolling forward from Nov. 19th. For most customers, you’ll find these two reports under Visitor Profile > Technology in SiteCatalyst unless your menus have been significantly customized.’ve been making a lot of exciting mobile-centric announcements lately, and I didn’t want this minor change to be overlooked as it fills a key gap on understanding and optimizing content for your mobile web users. While this update is a small, it is significant for mobile marketers—one that many of you have been waiting for. Now when you see a mobile-specific problem with your digital properties, you’ll be able to get more details around which mobile users are being affected by the issue. For example, you can now see which browsers are popular with your Apple iPhone users. No more guessing or turning to other solutions for answers about which iOS or Android version isn’t compatible with your most recent site update.

Sample Report Screenshots

I thought I’d provide some before and after screenshots so you can see the difference in the Operating System and Browser reports. You’ll notice that the “Not Specified” item will decrease significantly from what it was before as the mobile OS versions are now removed from this unknown OS bucket.’ll also see that “None” in the Browser report is also reduced as different mobile browsers no longer fall into this unknown catch-all bucket.
I thought it would be helpful to show you how you can create a custom report that organizes the different OS versions around major mobile platforms. If you start with the Mobile > Operating System report and then break it down by the Technology > Operating Systems report, you’ll get a more organized view of the different mobile OS versions. The Unknown bucket captures the desktop operating systems, but the rest of the operating systems will fall into categories for the major mobile platforms. know many of you might have had this request on your Christmas wishlist, and I’m glad we can now offer it to our customers in this season of giving (not taking). You can think of it as an early Christmas stocking stuffer from Adobe, just in time for the busy holiday season. Happy mobile analysis!