The U.K. Set to Lead Online Sales This Christmas

As Christ­mas dawns around the world and the hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son offi­cial­ly comes to a close, retail­ers should be set to see record-break­ing online sales this year thanks to huge spikes in mobile shop­ping, social media mar­ket­ing, and increas­ing­ly more retail­er-cre­at­ed shop­ping events (like Black Fri­day & Cyber Monday).

So which coun­tries are pre­dict­ed to take the lead at the end of the hol­i­day sea­son? Before we turn our atten­tion to 2014, let’stake a look at our final Adobe® Dig­i­tal Index 2013 Online Shop­ping Forecast.


Look­ing at annu­al online sales across Europe, Adobe is pre­dict­ing that the Unit­ed King­dom will take the top spot in online Christ­mas sales, with 26% of annu­al online rev­enue occur­ring dur­ing Christ­mas. Close behind the U.K. are the Nether­lands and Nordic coun­tries, with each region see­ing 24% of annu­al online sales occur at Christ­mas. Worth not­ing, retail­ers in the Unit­ed States are set to see just 22% of their online rev­enue fall dur­ing Christ­mas, hint­ing that Euro­pean con­sumers are respond­ing to dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing efforts of increas­ing­ly more savvy mar­keters. Ger­many and France are bring­ing up the rear, with 21% and 19%, respec­tive­ly, of their online sales hit­ting dur­ing Christmas.

With retail­ers typ­i­cal­ly tar­get­ing to book 30–50% of their annu­al sales dur­ing Christ­mas, this year’s online-only pre­dic­tions bode well for the grow­ing suc­cess of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tools enabling per­son­al­i­sa­tion, social har­mo­ny, ease of use, and time­ly con­ver­sa­tions. I look for­ward to what the new year will bring to dig­i­tal mar­keters around the world.

Have a Mer­ry Christ­mas and a hap­py New Year.
