Advertisers take note, tablet traffic is a gift for 2014

Once again, tablets seemed to be the present of choice for loved ones this Christ­mas, with many going online in the morn­ing to play with their new device. In just one day, in the UK, we saw the tablet click share grow from 20% on Christ­mas Eve to 25% on Christ­mas Day and has been fluc­tu­at­ing at this lev­el ever since.

* Graph reflects dai­ly paid search tablet click share in UK. Mini-peaks reflect­ed in the graph before 25th Decem­ber show week­end spikes in traffic.

Per­haps lured by the Bank Hol­i­day and the post-Christ­mas sales, even more pop­u­lar was New Year’s Day 2014, which saw tablet click share peak at almost 30% — again echo­ing last year’s results of an increase which had a peak at 19%. We expect this month to con­tin­ue around the Christ­mas Day lev­el of 25% and reach highs again by the end of 2014, close to the 30% level.

Where these sta­tis­tics are of a real inter­est and pro­vide valu­able insight, is in the adver­tis­ing space. Tablet traf­fic con­tin­ues to demon­strate a sig­nif­i­cant oppor­tu­ni­ty for adver­tis­ers as tablets are exceed­ing smart phones in can­ni­bal­is­ing com­put­er search traf­fic. As the tablet Cost Per Click (CPC) is much clos­er to com­put­er CPC than mobile, we’ll see the over­all CPC stay high.

Adver­tis­ers that take notice of evolv­ing search behav­ior, and plan their bud­get accord­ing­ly, will be the win­ners of 2014. And this is espe­cial­ly true for the trav­el indus­try dur­ing peak sea­son in January.

* Graph reflects month­ly aver­age paid search click share by device. Com­put­er share on the decline; tablet and mobile on the rise.

With Google Enhanced Cam­paigns plat­form, it is impor­tant that search mar­keters recon­sid­er their strat­e­gy in order to max­imise per­for­mance with the great­est effi­cien­cy. If you’re an adver­tis­er and want to get up to speed quick­ly, check out Adobe’s Migra­tion Guide for Google Enhanced Cam­paigns.

Dr Wing Yee Lee, Senior Busi­ness Ana­lyst Man­ag­er, Adobe (@wing_yee_lee)

*Data sourced from analysing anony­mous and aggre­gat­ed data from UK com­pa­nies that use Adobe Media Opti­miz­er, part of Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud.