Straight from the Source: 2014 Digital Marketing Trends as Told by Marketers

In the past few years, the mar­ket­ing indus­try has mor­phed into a dig­i­tal steam engine, charg­ing mar­keters through unchart­ed ter­ri­to­ries across social media, web con­tent, media opti­miza­tion and more.

But mar­keters haven’t felt com­fort­able with this pow­er­ful inno­va­tion. How would it be con­trolled? How would its effec­tive­ness be mea­sured? What type of peo­ple should be at the wheel? Accord­ing to a recent Adobe sur­vey of mar­keters, 76% feel the indus­try has changed more in the past two years than in the pre­vi­ous 5, and few­er than half of mar­keters today feel high­ly pro­fi­cient in digital.

This type of per­for­mance anx­i­ety has built a dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing indus­try that is rav­en­ous for data—any key lean­ings that will help pave the way on this dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing journey.

Recent­ly Adobe, in part­ner­ship with Econ­sul­tan­cy, kicked off a glob­al sur­vey of more than 2,500 mar­keters and Inter­net pro­fes­sion­als, in hopes of bet­ter under­stand­ing what com­pa­nies and agen­cies alike are pri­ori­tis­ing in 2014.

The result? Six­ty pages of valu­able input from the coal-face of mar­ket­ing and ecom­merce high­light­ing key trends, chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing today—covering top­ics rang­ing from cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and mobile to cross-chan­nel mar­ket­ing and email optimization.

Here’s a sneak peek at the meat inside this report:

Figure 1: In what areas will digital marketers experiment most heavily in the coming year?

Fig­ure 1: In what areas will dig­i­tal mar­keters exper­i­ment most heav­i­ly in the com­ing year?

May this full report help enable us all to bet­ter under­stand the mind­set, needs and con­cerns of today’s dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing professionals—so that the tech­nol­o­gy, process and peo­ple will con­tin­ue to evolve. I look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing this dis­cus­sion with all of you dur­ing 2014. We’re on this dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing jour­ney together—let’s nev­er stop find­ing new ways to improve.

Down­load the full 2014 Dig­i­tal Trends report from Econ­sul­tan­cy and Adobe here, and check out the report info­graph­ic of key findings.
