FrameMaker 12 and FrameMaker XML Author 12: Recorded Webinar

FMXA small for blogs We held our first public live webinar broadcast of FrameMaker 12, FrameMaker XML Author and FrameMaker Publishing Server on January 28th, 2014. We have recorded our webinar and provide this blog to give you important time stops in the recording that you may fast forward to.

Unlike most of our webinars, this session is over 2 hours long due to the many significant new features added to our products. In fact there is a new product: FrameMaker XML Author 12; designed as a designated XML-only authoring solution (at 40% of the list price of a full FrameMaker 12 license).

View the recording: What’s new with FrameMaker?

You may go to the webinar recording by clicking here: Recorded FrameMaker 12 Launch Webinar

You may fast forward to the times indicated below, if you wish, to go directly to the portion of the webinar that discusses specific products and specific features.

Feature time guide for the recording


Enhanced User Interface


Regular Expressions used in Find/Change (e.g. reverse date format)


Generate QR codes


Background color on text level and boxed/colored paragraphs


Improved Conditional Text control, new UI and complex expressions


Enhanced Smart Catalogs with search/filter to narrow choices


Improved collaborative workflow with Dropbox integration and improved PDF review


How to publish from FrameMaker 12 to ePUB, HTML5 Responsive Layout and moreIn answer to many questions: The Publishing Component is direct part of FrameMaker 12, without external plug-ins, and without assistance from RoboHelp 11 or Tech Comm Suite 5!


Structure and FrameMaker XML Author 12


MathML equations, including XML code view to edit


improved XML white space handling


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