Summit EMEA 2014: The Digital Marketing Conference—Secure Your Spot!

Mar­keters today are fac­ing more pres­sure than ever before. Dig­i­tal media has com­plete­ly rein­vent­ed the ways in which con­sumers engage with brands, seek infor­ma­tion, and ulti­mate­ly make their buy­ing decisions—in turn forc­ing mar­keters to entire­ly trans­form the ways in which they plan, exe­cute and track their mar­ket­ing campaigns.

And research shows dig­i­tal mar­keters are hungry—hungry for more edu­ca­tion, knowl­edge-shar­ing and inspi­ra­tion around the lat­est mar­ket­ing strate­gies. As pres­sure increas­es to prove ROI on mar­ket­ing spend, the lack of for­mal dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing train­ing is start­ing to take a toll.

Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, Europe’s pre­miere dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing con­fer­ence, aims to tar­get exact­ly these needs, and the conference’s year-over-year dou­ble-dig­it growth in atten­dance is a clear indi­ca­tor that the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ues to yearn for more.

I’m excit­ed to announce that Sum­mit EMEA 2014 has launched—and now is the time to secure your spot among thou­sands of mar­keters and adver­tis­ers to dis­cov­er best prac­tices around mar­ket­ing ana­lyt­ics, media opti­miza­tion, social mar­ket­ing, cross-chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment, audi­ence tar­get­ing, and more. Atten­dees to the two-day event at the ICC ExCEL in Lon­don, May 14–15, will ben­e­fit from an impres­sive line­up of indus­try lumi­nar­ies, part­ners, ana­lysts and keynote speak­ers includ­ing Jez Framp­ton, group CEO of Inter­brand; Pete Black­shaw, glob­al head of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing and social media for Nestlé; Diet­mar Dah­men, chief inno­va­tion offi­cer of; Cather­ine Bar­ba, founder of the CB Group; Kam Star, chief play offi­cer of Play­Gen; David Coop­er­stein, VP, research direc­tor of For­rester; David Cox, chief med­ical offi­cer of Head­space; David Edel­man, prin­ci­pal at McK­in­sey & Com­pa­ny; Ann Lewnes, CMO of Adobe; and Brad Rencher, SVP and GM of Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing for Adobe—just to name a few!

Atten­dees will also ben­e­fit from immer­sion in more than 80 break­out ses­sions on “must have” dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing skills, indus­try trends, and dri­ving busi­ness results—as well as hands-on work­shops offered by Adobe Train­ing Ser­vices (pre-con­fer­ence) that will pro­vide detailed train­ing on spec­i­fied Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud solutions.

Spe­cial ear­ly bird pric­ing, end­ing March 2, is avail­able and will save you £150/€180 on a full price 2‑day con­fer­ence reg­is­tra­tion. Spe­cial team and group offers are also avail­able; see our Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2014 page.

Take a look. Do you know what your mar­ket­ing is out there doing? Sign up for Sum­mit EMEA today.
