Work your Digital Advertising with the Power of Data


Yes­ter­day we took a dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing trip on the #Dig­i­talJour­ney with our Adobe Media Opti­miz­er break­fast in Lon­don. Our very own Jonathan Bee­ston, Ryan Price and Rus­sell Smith pro­vid­ed insight into how mar­keters can use their data to make their brand adver­tis­ing go that extra mile and deliv­er con­crete ROI. We showed how data can help improve SEM (search engine man­age­ment) through web ana­lyt­ics data, define and man­age audi­ence seg­ments to improve dis­play tar­get­ing, and how to use CRM data to find the right audi­ences on Face­book and Twitter.

After the ses­sion was over we man­aged to grab a brief word with Jonathan Bee­ston. Watch the video for exclu­sive footage of Jonathan’s key take-outs:

If you want to take a look at how Adobe Media Opti­miz­er is work­ing in prac­tice, check out this exam­ple from Mt Wash­ing­ton Col­lege. The col­lege want­ed to increase stu­dent enroll­ment through a very tar­get­ed social media cam­paign on Twit­ter. Work­ing close­ly with Adobe and using Adobe Media Opti­miz­er for social (part of Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud), con­ver­sions from pro­mot­ed Tweets jumped 101, Twit­ter fol­low­ers tripled, and the cost per lead was cut in half.

So mar­keters, use what you’ve got (data) to make your dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing work better.

Stay tuned on @AdobeMktgCloud to keep up to date with Adobe dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing news and events – like the next instal­ment of #Dig­i­talJour­ney.