Proud to be hybris ISV Partner of the Year: Adobe Marketing Cloud

Adobe is a com­pa­ny rich with strate­gic part­ner­ships across both our Dig­i­tal Media and Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing busi­ness­es. And, because of our deep invest­ment in Adobe’s part­ner ecosys­tem and the joint mis­sion we all share for cus­tomers, we are always hon­oured to receive our own part­ner praise.

Recent­ly, hybris, an SAP com­pa­ny and the world’s fastest-grow­ing com­merce plat­form provider, named Adobe its inde­pen­dent soft­ware ven­dor (ISV) Part­ner of the Year, and we couldn’t be happier!

Along with sev­er­al key inte­gra­tions between Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud and hybris Com­merce Suite in 2013, Adobe’s Mar­ket­ing Cloud influ­enced more than $25 mil­lion USD in glob­al hybris license rev­enue for the year.

hybris Com­merce Suite cus­tomers can ben­e­fit from an inte­gra­tion with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics via a unique com­bi­na­tion of real-time ana­lyt­ics across online and offline mar­ket­ing chan­nels, which in turn helps com­pa­nies iden­ti­fy the path cus­tomers take to make a purchase—or alter­nate­ly where they fall off and do not com­plete the transaction.

hybris cus­tomers can also ben­e­fit from Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, which gives cus­tomers a sin­gle plat­form to man­age the entire shop­ping expe­ri­ence. Joint cus­tomers can use stream­lined con­tent author­ing, man­age­ment, con­tent deliv­ery, and opti­miza­tion capa­bil­i­ties to quick­ly adapt web and mobile mer­chan­dis­ing to the dynam­ic demands of the consumer.

Thanks to our part­ner­ship with hybris, mar­keters are bet­ter able to cre­ate the con­sis­tent and rel­e­vant shop­ping expe­ri­ences we all desire as consumers—regardless of what device or chan­nel we are visiting.

Thanks, hybris. We’re look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing this jour­ney in 2014 and beyond!
