Amber Atherton Speaking At Adobe Summit EMEA

With only a few weeks till Adobe Sum­mit, we’ve been catch­ing up with our speak­ers to find out what makes them tick, who inspires them, and what they’ll cov­er when they take to the stage in Lon­don on May 14–15.

First up, Amber Ather­ton, named 5th most pow­er­ful per­son in Vogue’s Dig­i­tal Pow­er List and founder and direc­tor of My Flash Trash talks fash­ion, cre­ativ­i­ty, and edu­ca­tion­al reform … .

Amber Atherton
Can you tell us a bit more about how you start­ed My Flash Trash (MFT)?
After var­i­ous dab­bles in ecom­merce, fash­ion and gam­ing ven­tures through­out child­hood, I set up MFT from my dorm at school. As one of the first UK fash­ion blogs to have a shop­ping cart func­tion, we quick­ly gained a fol­low­ing that catal­ysed us into a mar­ket­place for the world’s coolest jew­ellery designers.

Can you give us a lit­tle teas­er into what you will be explor­ing in your Sum­mit talk?
I’ll be giv­ing an insight into how some of my ideas trans­formed into busi­ness­es, from the age of 16, and how you can unlock cre­ativ­i­ty and solve prob­lems with a few curi­ous case stud­ies. Main­ly, I want to moti­vate the whole audi­ence so when they leave my talk they are ready to be a total boss.

**What is your favourite thing about being an entrepreneur?
**The abil­i­ty to direct my own sched­ule. For me, time is the most valu­able asset and hav­ing the free­dom to con­trol how I spend it is one of my favourite things about being an entrepreneur.

**What cam­paigns have inspired you the most recently?
**Strange­ly, main­ly men’s deodor­ant cam­paigns. What Old Spice did in the USA was amaz­ing and Lynx’s most recent ‘make peace’ cam­paign was so viral­ly epic.

**If you were giv­en com­plete free­dom, both cre­ative­ly and finan­cial­ly, what would you do next?
**I’m pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing a greater syn­er­gy in edu­ca­tion between acad­e­mia and entre­pre­neur­ship. There is a mas­sive lack of prac­ti­cal busi­ness and career defin­ing expe­ri­ence in school cur­ricu­lum. So I want to work on chang­ing that in some way next.

Fol­low @AmberAtherton and take part in the Adobe Sum­mit con­ver­sa­tion with ‪#Adobe­Sum­mit.

You can also check out the list of oth­er stel­lar speak­ers on our web­site, where you can also reg­is­ter, for what will be THE dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing con­fer­ence of the year!