Get a 360° View of Your Customers

In today’s data-driven digital landscape, visitors can interact with your brand in countless ways. They can click through an email, fill out a survey, access your mobile site, comment on a Facebook post—or they can even make a good old-fashioned purchase at a retail store. Each of these actions creates its own data stream, which makes it more challenging than ever to create a holistic, well-rounded view of customers. Modern marketers are tasked with unifying all that diverse data and acting on it in real time. That’s where our Master Marketing Profile comes in.

During last week’s Summit, we talked a lot about the new Adobe Target Premium. Marketers have the same ability to get a consolidated view of data across all Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions and leverage real-time audiences with the Master Marketing Profile. In the Premium solution, they can leverage all of that robust data to achieve automated personalization.

By unifying audience and segment information across all channels, the new Audiences Service provides an even deeper, broader view of customers across Web and mobile. Marketers have seamless access to all facets of data—from customer relationship management (CRM) information to third-party audience data and offline variables—to see not only the bigger picture, but the biggest.

The More You Know, the More You Sell

How well do you truly know your target customers? You may know their gender, purchase history, and maybe even their income—but do you know what drives them? Understanding your customers’ needs, wants, and motivations is key to keeping them around and attracting more qualified buyers. Building an in-depth customer profile is key to creating effective targeted campaigns.

Demographics are a good place to start, but they’re not the end-all, be-all. For a well-rounded view, you also need to consider behavioral attributes, such as what types of items are purchased (online or off), average order value, order combinations, and posting of reviews and comments, just to name a few.

Become the Master of Your Data

Each customer that visits your site leaves behind a treasure trove of data: page views, purchases, shares, and countless other tidbits. Adobe’s Master Marketing Profile helps you get a handle on all that information by compiling all of that data. The Master Marketing Profile includes both known data (purchases made while logged into a customer account, for example) and anonymous data (such as users who were not logged in when they viewed a page or abandoned a cart). This gives you a solid springboard for launching targeted, relevant campaigns that cater to customers’ real-time interests and activities.

Relevant, Real-time Data at Your Fingertips

With other profile management services, marketers often find themselves drowning in data, overwhelmed by bloated customer profiles that include unnecessary or irrelevant details. Armed with the sophisticated toolset in Adobe Analytics, marketers can perform robust data analysis and identify relevant audiences. With the new Audience Services capability, a single click sends these audiences to the Adobe Marketing Cloud, where they can be leveraged in targeting and personalization workflows across all solutions.****

The Master Marketing Profile includes the most important, real-time information in a real-time data stream. This gives marketers access to smarter, more refined profiles as well as context about their prospects and customers.

How do you access the Master Marketing Profile? It’s in plain sight, across all of the solutions in the Adobe Marketing Cloud. Whether you’re using Analytics, Target, or Campaign, for example, your profile data is easily accessible and ready to use for real-time targeting. And with Adobe Audience Manager, you can augment this profile with second- and third-party data, perform sophisticated look-alike modeling, and apply those audiences both onsite and off in your retargeting activities.

The Comprehensive Profile: Every Marketer’s Sharpest Tool

In today’s fast-paced, competitive marketplace, it’s not enough to merely recognize your customers . . . you’ve got to understand them. And taking it a step further, you need to use that context to deliver a relevant, engaging experience when they interact with your brand. You may not know what they had for breakfast, but with the advanced tools available in the Adobe Marketing Cloud, there’s no excuse for not knowing what sparks their buying appetites.

Start reaping the benefits of powerful profile management with the Master Marketing Profile. Contact your Adobe account manager to discuss your easy implementation, or request enablement here.