Digital Advertising at Adobe Summit: Data

Adobe Sum­mit is less than 3 weeks away, and the final touch­es are being put to the con­tent for the Dig­i­tal Adver­tis­ing break­out ses­sions. This is the first of four blog posts that take a quick look at what dig­i­tal adver­tis­ers at Sum­mit can look for­ward to.

Data is at the heart of any adver­tis­ing cam­paign. But how you use that data to plan, track and opti­mise your activ­i­ty is the dif­fer­ence between suc­cess and failure.

Dr Sid Shah

Dr Sid Shah

Fun with Algo­rithms” might seem like an oxy­moron, but machine dri­ven opti­miza­tion is at the fore­front of attri­bu­tion and media mix plan­ning. Adobe’s Dr Sid Shah is a lead­ing thinker on how mar­keters should analyse their online and offline adver­tis­ing data to attribute val­ue across dif­fer­ent chan­nels. He’ll dis­cuss dif­fer­ent approach­es to take and how mar­keters can real­lo­cate bud­gets and fore­cast future per­for­mance. Although it might get tech­ni­cal in places, Sid will also illus­trate how it all works in the real world.
Fun with algo­rithms: Attri­bu­tion and media mix mod­el­ling, 1.30pm, Wednes­day 14th May

The algo­rith­mic approach to media plan­ning advo­cat­ed by Dr Sid Shah presents a chal­lenge to the way mar­keters and their agen­cies have tra­di­tion­al­ly planned cam­paigns. “Re-invent­ing the media agency in an adtech world” promis­es to be a thought-pro­vok­ing and enter­tain­ing dis­cus­sion between two heavy­weights from the media agency world. Steve Simp­son is the Glob­al Man­ag­ing Direc­tor for Dig­i­tal Strat­e­gy, Data and Ana­lyt­ics at Star­com Medi­aVest group, and join­ing him will be Mike Potts, Chief Data Offi­cer at Havas Media Group. Both have com­pelling, but dif­fer­ent, views on how adver­tis­ers and their agen­cies need to take advan­tage of data and tech­nol­o­gy, and what that means for the indi­vid­u­als employed by both.
Re-invent­ing the media agency in an adtech world, 2.30pm, Wednes­day 14th May

Giv­ing you two PhDs for the price of one, Dr Abhishek Pani, Prin­ci­pal Sci­en­tist at Adobe, will present a deep-dive on “Lever­ag­ing ana­lyt­ics data for large-scale ad opti­mi­sa­tion”. As one of the pri­ma­ry archi­tects of the algo­rithms that dri­ve the Adobe Media Opti­miz­er solu­tion, Abhishek will reveal how engage­ment met­rics (like bounce rates or pages viewed) can be used to pre­dict future con­ver­sions from paid search traf­fic. He’ll also share more in-depth results from our beta tests using this data that have shown extreme­ly promis­ing ROI uplifts so far.
Lever­ag­ing ana­lyt­ics data for large-scale ad opti­mi­sa­tion, 3.30pm, Thurs­day, 15th May