Take ‘The Great Marketing Measure’ and Test Your Creative or Analytical Mind

As mar­keters, we’re accus­tomed to con­stant­ly analysing thought processes—whether they are con­nect­ed to a cam­paign strat­e­gy, con­sumer behav­iours, busi­ness results, or our own mar­ket­ing minds.

At Adobe, we’re pas­sion­ate about enabling mar­keters to thrive in the dig­i­tal age. And as part of this mis­sion, we are today launch­ing The Great Mar­ket­ing Mea­sure, a bespoke, accred­it­ed psy­cho­me­t­ric test for mar­keters to assess how ana­lyt­i­cal­ly or cre­ative­ly mind­ed you are—as well as your flex­i­bil­i­ty to switch between the two.


The brief, enter­tain­ing Great Mar­ket­ing Mea­sure will strate­gi­cal­ly assess you as one of the following:

The Data Crunch­er: As a Data Crunch­er, you look before you leap. Rather than pluck­ing ideas out of thin air or pos­tu­lat­ing the pos­si­ble, you make every deci­sion based on tan­gi­ble facts and fig­ures. You see mar­ket­ing is seen as a sci­ence, to be planned strate­gi­cal­ly using exist­ing, empir­i­cal evi­dence. Data Crunch­ers val­ue prac­ti­cal­i­ty over cre­ativ­i­ty. Your mar­ket­ing solu­tions are backed up by proven his­tor­i­cal infor­ma­tion that pre­dicts com­mer­cial results.

The Prag­ma­tist: As a Prag­ma­tist, you take a tried and test­ed approach to mar­ket­ing. Although you don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly need data to back up your deci­sions, you are still method­i­cal and take care to learn from your own pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ences. Although you are free-think­ing enough for your ideas not to be anchored by research, as a Prag­ma­tist you still do not put your cre­ative head in the clouds: you stand by your need for a prac­ti­cal, log­i­cal argu­ment to explain your think­ing.****

The All Rounder: As an All Rounder, you rel­ish brainstorming—taking a blank can­vas and fill­ing it with new and excit­ing ideas—but not in a free-for-all, whim­si­cal way. Every con­cept must still be com­mer­cial­ly viable and appro­pri­ate for its audi­ence. Risks are worth tak­ing, but only if they’re cal­cu­lat­ed. For All Rounders, the “10% inspi­ra­tion, 90% per­spi­ra­tion” max­im holds true: you enjoy bury­ing your head in mar­ket analy­sis as much as shap­ing new cre­ative approach­es. In fact, one always informs the other.

The Free Spir­it: For Free Spir­its, every­thing is pos­si­ble. And if it isn’t pos­si­ble, it’s only because it hasn’t been thought of yet. As a Free Spir­it, you favour expe­ri­ence over evi­dence. You make deci­sions based on what intu­itive­ly feels right for your audi­ence, rather than rely­ing on hard facts and fig­ures. And you’re hap­py to evolve these deci­sions over time as your sur­round­ing envi­ron­ment changes. As a result, you mould cre­ative ideas for the here and now, and impro­vise to adapt as required.

And this isn’t just a test! The Great Mar­ket­ing Mea­sure will also pro­vide toolk­its to equip you with more guid­ance on thriv­ing as a mar­keter in this dig­i­tal world of fast-paced inno­va­tion and change.

Even with a back­ground in both finance and mar­ket­ing, I was sur­prised to see that after tak­ing my own assess­ment, I am mea­sured as a Free Spir­it. And now that I bet­ter under­stand my strength as a dig­i­tal mar­keter, I am encour­aged to more clear­ly deter­mine how to address and build upon my weak­ness­es, or share expe­ri­ences and chal­lenges with oth­er Free Spir­it mar­keters who may be on a sim­i­lar jour­ney. The Great Mar­ket­ing mea­sure allows all who take the assess­ment to share results and com­pare across social communities.

I encour­age all mar­keters to take a few moments and com­plete The Great Mar­ket­ing Mea­sure. Are you attend­ing Adobe Sum­mit? We’ll also be dis­cussing the results of the assess­ment through­out the event, and plan to share details by geog­ra­phy, role and indus­try to those at hand.

Here’s to the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing jour­ney and improv­ing our minds—we’re all in this together!