Digital Advertising at Adobe Summit: Search

I focussed on data in my last blog post on break­out ses­sions for dig­i­tal adver­tis­ers at Adobe Sum­mit. Now it’s time to under­stand how that data can be put to good use.

There’s no doubt that search mar­ket­ing is the work­horse of dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing. The IAB UK report­ed that 55% of online adver­tis­ing bud­gets went on SEM in 2013 – near­ly £3.5bn – which was up 14.2% year-on-year.

Search was the first chan­nel to embrace auc­tion-based pric­ing, API dri­ven buy­ing and cam­paign man­age­ment. Over the last cou­ple of years, inno­va­tions like Google’s Prod­uct List­ing Ads and Enhanced Cam­paigns have rev­o­lu­tionised the way prac­ti­tion­ers have opti­mised their cam­paigns. Retar­get­ing and audi­ence tar­get­ing shows that search is learn­ing from the best of social and dis­play too.

Bill Mungovan

Bill Mungo­van

To dis­cuss this rapid evo­lu­tion, Adobe’s Bill Mungo­van is chair­ing a pan­el on “How search is influ­enc­ing online adver­tis­ing”. Bill is Direc­tor, Prod­uct Man­age­ment, for all things search with­in the Adobe Media Opti­miz­er solu­tion, and join­ing him are Chris Fen­some, Online Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er at Marks & Spencer, Robert Foulkes, Online Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er at Monarch Trav­el and Gwen­vael Blé­con, Search Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er EMEA at Adobe. In this ses­sion you’ll hear not only how mar­keters should make the most of cur­rent oppor­tu­ni­ties, but also how the indus­try is like­ly to devel­op over the next few years.
How search is influ­enc­ing online adver­tis­ing, 3.45pm, Wednes­day, 14th May

If you want to get real­ly hands on with search, then “The art and sci­ence of pay-per-click bid­ding” in the ses­sion for you. In this tech­ni­cal best prac­tice lab, Adobe’s Dr Wing Lee, Senior Man­ag­er, Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics, and Allan Witts, Senior Account Man­ag­er, will go through a detailed approach of how SEM prac­ti­tion­ers can use rules and port­fo­lio bid­ding to get the most out of their cam­paigns with the Adobe Media Opti­miz­er plat­form. Wing and Allan are immersed in some of the biggest SEM cam­paigns in Europe. An oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick their brains should not be missed.
Tech­ni­cal best prac­tice: The art and sci­ence of pay-per-click bid­ding, 3.45pm, Wednes­day, 14th May

Nicolas Stadelmeyer and Felix Vögtle

Nico­las Stadelmey­er and Felix Vög­tle

Search is a huge traf­fic and trans­ac­tion dri­ver for ecom­merce and retail, but with so many poten­tials levers to pull for suc­cess, the choic­es might seem over­whelm­ing. To sort the wheat from the chaff, Nico­las Stadtelmey­er, VP & Head of Per­for­mance Mar­ket­ing at STYLIGHT GmbH and Felix Vög­tle, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Tiren­do, will share their thoughts in “Win­ning in retail: How can you do it all?”. I’ll be mod­er­at­ing this ses­sion; expect it to cov­er search mar­ket­ing, but also beyond to inter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion, cus­tomer life­time val­ues and branding.
Win­ning in retail: How can you do it all?, 11:20am, Thurs­day, 15th May

No adver­tis­er likes the feel­ing of hav­ing all their eggs in one bas­ket, so “Get­ting more from your search mar­ket­ing with the Yahoo Bing Net­work” is a must to learn what oth­er oppor­tu­ni­ties exist. Tor Crock­att, Prod­uct Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor, at Microsoft will show how to improve user engage­ment and cam­paign per­for­mance with YBN, as well as search inte­gra­tion beyond the brows­er with Win­dows 8.1 and Skype.
Get­ting more from your search mar­ket­ing with the Yahoo Bing Net­work, 11:20am, Thurs­day, 15th May

marketing_cloud_solution_media_optimize_icons_for_screen_128 Final­ly, “What’s New in Adobe Media Opti­miz­er?” will give an exclu­sive demon­stra­tion of the new capa­bil­i­ties and func­tion­al­i­ty announced at Sum­mit. AMO solu­tion lead Justin Mer­ick­el will be joined by Bill Mungo­van to show you around the lat­est fea­tures and answers your questions.
What’s new in Adobe Media Opti­miz­er?, 2:15pm, Thurs­day, 15th May