Digital Advertising at Adobe Summit: Display

After cov­er­ing data, search and social adver­tis­ing ses­sions at Adobe Sum­mit, the last of this series focus­es on the grand-dad­dy of dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing for­mats. Dis­play may seem to have lan­guished com­pared to search or social, but recent devel­op­ments in pro­gram­mat­ic buy­ing and audi­ence man­age­ment are trans­form­ing the channel.


Ali­son Fennah

To bring you up-to-date, the IAB’s Ali­son Fen­nah will present the results of a recent sur­vey in the Inno­va­tions and Thought Lead­ers track. “Euro­pean ad for­mats: Trends across desk­top, tablet and mobile” will show some fas­ci­nat­ing trends across dif­fer­ent devices and countries.
Euro­pean ad for­mats: Trends across desk­top, tablet and mobile, 3:45pm, Wednes­day, 14th May

Unleash the pow­er of dis­play adver­tis­ing through ana­lyt­ics and audi­ence tar­get­ing” will explain how Adobe now uses its own first par­ty data to deliv­er sophis­ti­cat­ed dis­play cam­paigns. Kiki Bur­ton, Man­ag­er, Adobe Audi­ence­M­an­ag­er Con­sult­ing, will lead the tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sion while col­league Ron Nagy, Senior Evan­ge­list, Adobe, will show how Adobe’s mar­ket­ing process­es and approach have evolved to take advan­tage of new opportunities.
Unleash the pow­er of dis­play adver­tis­ing through ana­lyt­ics and audi­ence tar­get­ing, 1:15pm, Thurs­day, 15th May