Justin (JC) Coghlan from Movember Speaking At Adobe Summit

4 mil­lion ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sis­tas’ across 21 coun­tries have raised £345 mil­lion for prostate and tes­tic­u­lar can­cer. The impact this has had on men’s health is ever­last­ing. The organ­i­sa­tion behind this glob­al move­ment is Movem­ber, who have been chang­ing the face of men’s health since 2003.

Justin (JC) Cogh­lan, co-founder of Movem­ber, will be talk­ing to cen­ter stage at Adobe Sum­mit in Lon­don next week (14–15 May) to dis­cuss how they keep the con­ver­sa­tion about men’s health alive. We caught up with JC ahead of Sum­mit to find out a bit more….

Can you tell us a bit more about your day-to-day activ­i­ties for Movember?

I over­see our Movem­ber oper­a­tions out of the Lon­don HQ that run our cam­paigns across main­land Europe, Ire­land, UK, South Africa. I also man­age our glob­al events and part­ner­ship teams and sit on our Mar­ket­ing Com­mit­tee that over­sees our glob­al cam­paign direc­tion and the con­tin­ued growth of the brand.

What key dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing trend do you see mak­ing it big by the end of 2014?

Wear­able tech­nol­o­gy is the obvi­ous new direc­tion com­ing out of 2014. We know that con­tin­ued improve­ment and devel­op­ment is launch­ing around sports bands, Google with Glass on the scene, to whole ranges of new wear­able tech launch­ing.

2014 and beyond is real­ly all about tak­ing things to the next lev­el with wear­able tech.

Health and well­ness should play an excit­ing role here. Tech­nol­o­gy launch­ing that can mon­i­tor every­thing, through wear­able and mobile devices, will change the game; from con­tact lens­es that change colour when your blood sug­ar is low or some­thing like Wello, which mon­i­tors all your vitals.

Wear­able devices could ulti­mate­ly track all your data and upload to your doc­tor, so your body func­tion over a peri­od of time is tracked, not just a snap­shot of how you are on the day, which would play a key role in pre­ventable health.

Can you give us a lit­tle teas­er of what you will be explor­ing in your Sum­mit keynote?

Keep­ing it clean, sim­ple and fun with a glob­al audi­ence each sea­son that gen­er­ates bil­lions of con­ver­sa­tions about Movem­ber and Men’s Health.

What cam­paigns have inspired you the most recently?

Cam­paigns that know their audi­ence and use tech­nol­o­gy in a cre­ative way to cap­ture and engage, such as:

If you were giv­en com­plete free­dom, both cre­ative­ly and finan­cial­ly, what would you do next?

Change the world of health, empow­er every­one with know­ing their per­son­al his­tor­i­cal health data, crit­i­cal health num­bers and foot­print, for them as an indi­vid­ual. Get­ting this right in pre­ven­tive health will change the world.

For those attend­ing Adobe Sum­mit next week we look for­ward to see­ing you there and should you want to grow your Mo, we’ll be sure to give you a shout out!

Don’t for­get, you can take part in the con­ver­sa­tion with #Adobe­Sum­mit.