Introducing Adobe’s Digital Marketing “Think Tank” at Summit 2014

To quote Forrester’s** David Coop­er­stein**, mar­ket­ing has shift­ed to the “age of the cus­tomer”—today, the rapid­ly chang­ing indus­try is dead-cen­tred around reinvention.

This means we need to mar­ket to our cus­tomers where they are, deliv­er­ing per­son­alised and seam­less expe­ri­ences across mobile devices and social net­works. Data was nev­er as impor­tant as it is today to help deliv­er what our cus­tomers expect from us.

Rein­ven­tion, then, is the marketer’s main quest. It rep­re­sents a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty. It’s also a unique chal­lenge. But a chal­lenge wor­thy of debate, as we aim to help mar­keters evolve in the dig­i­tal age.

In order to fos­ter that debate, we’re proud to intro­duce Adobe’s Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Think Tank, a pan-Euro­pean group of five members—each rep­re­sent­ing the UK, Ger­many, France, Nordics and Benelux—which will gath­er sev­er­al times this year to fur­ther per­spec­tive and insight on dig­i­tal marketing.­re­sent­ing the UK we have Doug Kessler, co-founder and cre­ative direc­tor of B2B Mar­ket­ing agency Veloc­i­ty. Doug reg­u­lar­ly tweets and blogs about con­tent and B2B mar­ket­ing, which in his words “is one of the steep­est learn­ing curves in the entire his­to­ry of business.”

Mar­tin Mey­er-Goss­ner, CEO of the inter­na­tion­al man­age­ment con­sult­ing brand The Strat­e­gy Web, has dig­i­tal strat­e­gy and social busi­ness as his main pas­sions, and believes in the pow­er of lever­ag­ing social media ana­lyt­ics to deliv­er the best results.

French speak­er and author Fred Cavaz­za is a pro­lif­ic thought leader on dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, mobile and social media, who writes for var­i­ous blogs and reg­u­lar­ly con­tributes to Forbes. He believes the marketer’s job is fun­da­men­tal­ly chang­ing as we dive into a ful­ly dig­i­tal and more data-dri­ven world.

Jer­ry Sil­fw­er comes from Swe­den, is founder and dig­i­tal strate­gist at Mad Sci­ence Dig­i­tal, blogs at and believes the most pow­er­ful dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing is sup­port­ed by a sol­id strat­e­gy, as well as prop­er under­stand­ing of behav­iour­al and social psychology.

Cor Mole­naar is a Dutch author, pro­fes­sor and strate­gic con­sul­tant who believes the basis of mar­ket­ing is the cus­tomer jour­ney. He believes this starts with hav­ing a good knowl­edge of the cus­tomer and their behav­iour. We agree!

The Think Tank’s first meet up will be dur­ing Adobe Sum­mit 2014, May 15, in Lon­don. In a pan­el mod­er­at­ed by John Wat­ton, Adobe’s dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing direc­tor for EMEA, he and pan­el­lists will exam­ine the results of a new “Dig­i­tal Road­block” study con­duct­ed by Adobe across EMEA, which focus­es on the major obsta­cles stand­ing in the way of mar­keters’ road to rein­vent­ing them­selves and their brands for the dig­i­tal age.

Five influ­encers, one mis­sion: Rein­ven­tion.

Make sure you fol­low Doug @dougkessler, Mar­tin @thestrategyweb, Fred­er­ic @FredCavazza, Jer­ry @DoktorSpinn and Cor @cormolenaar to get a head start before #Adobe­Sum­mit, and stay tuned for more Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Think Tank events.