Pre-Adobe Summit Introduction: Ben Donkor

Ben Donkor

That’s me, Ben Donkor

Guest blog from Ben Donkor who will be report­ing live from Adobe Sum­mit EMEA.

The high­ly antic­i­pat­ed Adobe Sum­mit is just days away, and I’m cur­rent­ly count­ing down the hours with excitement.

This year’s Sum­mit will be big­ger than ever, with even more tracks than last year. The 9 tracks will cov­er every­thing from dig­i­tal ana­lyt­ics to dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing, from cam­paign man­age­ment to mar­ket­ing oper­a­tions, and a lot more.

While I’ve fol­lowed the Sum­mit for a few years, this will be my sec­ond year attend­ing the event, and my first year attend­ing as the Offi­cial Rov­ing Reporter. This means that not only do I have access to all of this year’s Sum­mit ses­sions (includ­ing the press pan­els), but I’ll also be report­ing live through­out the two days:

I’ll be tweet­ing from @FR314 and you catch up on the Sum­mit by fol­low­ing the #Adobe­Sum­mit hash­tag and the @AdobeSummit account.

I look for­ward to meet­ing you at the Sum­mit — if you’re look­ing for me, you’ll find me roam­ing around wear­ing a bow tie while live-tweeting.

In the mean­time, stay tuned on the Dig­i­tal Europe blog for more infor­ma­tion and sneak peaks on what’s to come.

Over and out.
