Make Your Tweet Count!

Every year, 250,000 young peo­ple in the Unit­ed King­dom take part in pro­grammes run by the char­i­ty, Young Enter­prise. They have one vision: to inspire and equip young peo­ple to learn and suc­ceed through enterprise.

Young Enter­prise has changed the lives of mil­lions of peo­ple since it was estab­lished in 1962.

Amber Atherton

Amber Ather­ton

Young entre­pre­neur, Amber Ather­ton, founder of My Flash Trash and named 5th most pow­er­ful per­son in Vogue’s Dig­i­tal Pow­er List, start­ed her busi­ness ven­tures at the age of 11. We are thrilled that Amber will be tak­ing to stage at Adobe Sum­mit on May 14, as part of the open­ing keynote, ‘The Rein­ven­tion of Mar­ket­ing’.

If you would like to sup­port Young Enter­prise and the next gen­er­a­tion of entre­pre­neurs please join our Tweet of Char­i­ty cam­paign. For every tweet that includes the #Adobe­Sum­mit hash­tag dur­ing Amber’s time on stage, Adobe will donate £2 to Young Enterprise.

Justin (JC) Coghlan

Justin (JC) Coghlan

We will be doing the same tweet for Tweet for Char­i­ty cam­paign when Justin (JC) Cogh­lan, co-founder of Movem­ber, will be on stage as part of the ‘Mar­ket­ing in a Dig­i­tal Age’ keynote on May 15.

Movem­ber has changed the face of men’s health since 2003 and the 4 mil­lion ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sis­tas’ across 21 coun­tries have raised £345 mil­lion for prostate and tes­tic­u­lar can­cer and we’re delight­ed to sup­port such a charity.

Same rules apply: for every tweet that includes the #Adobe­Sum­mit hash­tag dur­ing JC’s time on stage, Adobe will donate £2 to Movember.

If you’re unable to make it to Sum­mit, you can watch on your lap­top, mobile or tablet by reg­is­ter­ing for Sum­mit Live.