“The New Creatives Report” Is Here, and It’s Good News

We all love talking about creativity, but we seldom take time to examine the state of creative professionals themselves. For those of us who chose a creative career, are we happy we did? What inspires and motivates creative professionals to do their greatest work? How do Creatives feel about the pace of change in the industry?


Today we released some striking research to delve into what really makes the creatives tick. We’re calling it “The New Creatives Report,” and it’s based on a survey of more than 1,000 U.S. creatives – all designers, photographers, illustrators and the like. Some of it really surprised me, and all of it reinforced something that I already believe: creative professionals are taking the reigns on their careers and, with new technology and shifts in the creative industry, have the wind at their backs.

A few top takeaways from those we surveyed:

Creative professionals are creating FOR mobile, and want to create WITH mobile. Seven out of 10 say they create content specifically for mobile, and 87% of those say it’s had a positive impact on their work. They also want to create on mobile devices, with tablets being an up-and-coming device of choice. Survey respondents also said “app development” is the #1 sought-after skill in the upcoming year.

Social media is becoming a top source of inspiration. Gone are the days that we relied solely on museums and trade publications for inspiration. Twice as many creatives see social media as the best source of inspiration compared to more traditional sources. And almost 1/3 cite inspiration and collaboration as their top reasons for participating in online creative communities. And it is interesting to learn that, when it comes to online creative communities like Behance, “inspiration” and “collaboration with others” are valued even more than things like self-promotion or job prospecting.

With opportunity comes great responsibility, and the pressure is on. When we asked, “what keeps you up at night,” the top answer was “pressure to deliver creative ideas and content faster than ever.” This pressure is on top of a lot of change in their roles and the industry: Almost half think their own role will change in the next year, and over three quarters say the industry is changing rapidly with new technologies as the top driving force behind the change.

Versatility and Optimism! 96% of Creatives surveyed are happy in their careers and 88% believe they have a strong influence on their companies and clients. Quite striking, and I’m pretty sure that there isn’t another career out there that would have those kinds of numbers. Creative work is a labor of love.


I’m speaking at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity today. If you’re here, come stop by my session and let me know how our research strikes you – or you can connect with me on Twitter (@scottbelsky) or leave a comment here. Below you can check out the full study, very cool infographic done by Non-Format, and an Adobe Voice piece with more details on the research. And if you’re curious about what Adobe is doing next, be sure to check out our big event on Wednesday. We have some fascinating stuff in the pipeline that my colleagues and I are excited to share…

The New Creatives Report – June 2014

Adobe Voice


The New Creatives Report – June 2014 Infographic