Adobe Captivate: Highlights of eSeminar on Interactive Video

This blog summarizes key points covered in a highly instructive recorded eSeminar, Best Practices when Creating Interactive Video Tutorial. Note, you may view this recorded video by clicking on the TITLE in the previous sentence.

This lively session included several key ingredients to creating successful interactive videos via Captivate from Publishing Smarter’s Bernard Aschwanden.

Topics covered and demo’d include:

Minute Markers:

11:00 purposes of storyboards

11:30 why you should make storyboards before ANY video

13:00 key elements of a good storyboard

14:00 “minimum requirements” for a working storyboard

15:00 HELPFUL HINT: “sound out” tough words which are acronyms … for instance you may need to say “SM-EEE” instead of “ES” “EM” “EE” for the acronym “SME” (Subject Matter Expert)

16:00 Example of FrameMaker document used to automate descriptive text on storyboard

36:00 What do do while recording

50:00 – 57:00 DEMO of making “silent” video in Captivate

58:00 How to record audio in Captivate over existing video/slides

59:00 Case Study: FrameMaker’s Reviewer’s Guide