Mean Streets: the perils of buying clicks
You may have seen our previous videos centred around the theme of ‘do you know what your marketing is doing’? Most recently we’ve had ‘woo woo’ on social media fads, and before that we had **‘click, baby click’ **showing that impressions don’t necessarily lead to sales.
In my previous blog I spoke about content marketing. On the opposite end of the spectrum to content marketing is the practice of purchasing clicks, likes, followers etc. We’ve created a video called mean streets, and, whilst I don’t want to spoil the ending, I can safely say buying clicks never ends well. There’s actually 2 different endings, and we would love to know which one you prefer by retweeting your favourite.
So which do you prefer? Retweet to vote:
Mean Streets: Wife
“You were buying clicks? What will I tell the children!?”
— Marketing Cloud (@AdobeMktgCloud) October 27, 2014
Mean Streets: Holding Cell
Marketing jargon won’t get you out of this situation — say no to buying clicks:
— Marketing Cloud (@AdobeMktgCloud) October 27, 2014
So why do we produce these videos?
It all goes back to this question of whether you know what your marketing is doing. In our ‘dramatised’ example we see an individual that, under the weight of his quarterly revenue targets, is looking for a ‘cheap’ way to get by. And should the shady transaction have gone through, he may well have increased some individual metrics with his investment but it’s a very expensive way to run your marketing.
If you blindly chase and pressure your teams to meet a set of metrics which aren’t tied back into your business and wider marketing goals, you’ll end up in a similar situation, (perhaps a little less extreme.. ) But you’ll be spending money on marketing that has little or no return nevertheless.
Not all traffic is created equal
There’s a huge amount we can do as marketers to ensure proper targeting and personalisation. There is also the long term view, and I’d refer you back to my post on content marketing, whereby you’re building relationships, you’re creating SEO value and establishing your brand as a thought leader. As a marketer you need to look at the key data points available to you and draw actionable insight. Of course you want visitors to your website, but you need to know why they are visiting. The visitor is revealing that they have an interest in *something* when they visit your webpage – it might not necessarily be what you think it is – but it’s up to us as marketers to understand and optimise their experience.
My key takeaways
- Relationships – Take advantage of tools that can help you build stronger connections through content that’s guided by tangible data.
- Relevance — To help inform your content strategy, think about your target audience; map your buyer personas and customer journey.