Movember and digital marketing trends
As we approach the end of October, a couple of things come to mind such as: darker mornings, control of the thermostat, and maybe even Christmas shopping. But the one thing on our mind in the Adobe offices is Movember. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this yearly tradition, Movember is a worldwide campaign to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues and to encourage men to grow (and women to support) the Mo (moustache) during the 30 days of November.
After a successful effort last year, with over 120 Adobe employees helping to raise almost $25,000, the UK team (with over 30 Mo Bros) was the runner up in terms of funds raised for this important cause. Well, we’re back this year hoping to be even more successful!
Now, how does this relate to digital marketing you may ask? Well, aside from being a movement heavily focused in digital using the network effects of our social connections to spread the message, I want to look back to our Adobe Digital Marketing Summit of 2014 where Justin (JC) Coghlan, co-founder of Movember, took centre stage to discuss how they keep the conversation about men’s health alive in the digital age. Before Summit we spoke with JC and one of the questions we asked was:What key digital marketing trend do you see making it big by the end of 2014?
Justin (JC) Coghlan’s response (May 2014):
“Wearable technology is the obvious new direction coming out of 2014. We know that continued improvement and development is launching around sports bands, Google with Glass on the scene, to whole ranges of new wearable tech launching.
2014 and beyond is really all about taking things to the next level with wearable tech.
Health and wellness should play an exciting role here. Technology launching that can monitor everything, through wearable and mobile devices, will change the game; from contact lenses that change colour when your blood sugar is low or something like Wello, which monitors all your vitals.
Wearable devices could ultimately track all your data and upload to your doctor, so your body function over a period of time is tracked, not just a snapshot of how you are on the day, which would play a key role in preventable health.”
Read the rest of the blog post here: Justin (JC) Coghlan from Movember Speaking At Adobe Summit
Interestingly, since we spoke with JC and saw his presentation as Summit we’ve noticed more than a couple of advances in wearable tech:
- Apple announced the Apple Watch, “the most personal device we’ve ever created” according to CEO Tim Cook
- iOS 8 introduced the Health app to give an easy‑to‑read dashboard of your health and fitness data
- Google Glass smartglasses were finally made available in the UK, and just yesterday Google has launched Google Fit.
- And also got to know the most connected man in the world, whose usage of ‘300–700 tracking and life logging systems’ is currently atypical to say the least, but is it a sign of the future as technology progresses and tracking becomes simpler?
As a digital marketer it’s an exciting time when your future gazing can be in terms of months rather than decades! For consumers, as these technologies progress it quickly becomes an expectation to get added value through all the data we share. Take the example of the diabetic who gets a visible sign when their blood sugar is low: there’s a clear value proposition in sharing that data, to a point where it clearly changes people’s lives.
As someone who works in digital marketing, it’s easy for me to buy into the interconnected future that JC described earlier this spring. Not because ‘I like gadgets and I’m an tech early adopter’ (although many of us tend to be!), but because I see the value in rich data and the value of driving context from combining information sources.
In two years I may look back at this blog post, while my watch questions me ‘why I’ve ordered takeaway pizza twice’, ‘why I’ve not gone to the gym’, and that my plans to ‘meet some friends at the pub’ aren’t the healthiest choice — and wonder why I wanted this consolidated information, or how it can be more useful in my daily life. But the least I can say is we did our part for Movember and hope you can too, so please support the team:
Update: Justin (JC) Coghlan, co-founder of Movember, took centre stage at Adobe Digital Marketing Summit 2014, watch the video here:
Expecting a datasource