Conquering Globalized Content with Acrolinx and FrameMaker 12

Adobe Tech Comm welcomed the opportunity to have Thomas Aldous of ACROLINX be our guest in an early December webinar. Tom was a former Tech Comm Product Evangelist for Adobe, and he worked closely with our current Evangelist on many projects over a 20 year span.

You may view the recording of this webinar by clicking on the hyper-linked TITLE below:

Conquering Globalized Content with Acrolinx and FrameMaker 12

Minute Markers to key points in webinar recording

02:00 Intro by Tom Aldous
04:00 The Acrolink Value Proposition — Any editing/authoring tools is the plumbing — Acrolinx (content) is what flows through that plumbing — Silicon Valley Company with German Engineering
06:20 Top Tier customers
06:40 Rising Importance of Content in a Global World
07:00 Visual of Growth in online languages
07:35 Growth of non-English in USA (over 60 million)
8:30 Why non-native English speakers prefer content in own language — vast percentage of global market is lost to English-only content
11:00 Search Changes Everything
Consistency with a “single voice” is critical
11:40 Growing Means Crossing Borders: Agile orgs must address global audiences with one voice. Need one voice in the source language
13:00 Today, much of the tech doc content is being consumed “pre-sales” — Need to coordinate “the voice” in tech docs, as in marketing
14:00 Set Standards, Optimize and Analyze
15:30 Shared Standards need to be Optimized — Finda-bility, Readability, Engagement, Consistency and Translatability
18:34 Can have Reuse, even with “no structure” — works with Regular FrameMaker as well as Structured/XML FrameMaker
**19:00 **Powerful reporting features
20:00 Benefits from Internal Process — 10% cost benefit just in writing — 60% cost benefit in editing (rules based on style guide) — 15% cost benefit in translation — Faster time to market
21:45 Benefits — Customer Facing — 100% increase in web traffic, 20% improved readability
22:45 Overview of benefits of FrameMaker as your authoring solution

25:00 = LIVE DEMO —

starts with 6 minute “intro to FrameMaker” — Overview of key features in FrameMaker that optimize publishing to: PDF, HTML5 Responsive Layout and ePub — Acrolinx will optimize content for all modules shown
Can choose “profiles” … example of “en-TechPubs” profile
Profile has designated Style Guide
If you always work with the same type of documentation, you only need
to set the profile once.
Example of Acrolinx checking entire book. Each file opened by Acrolinx
Data is aggregated — Dept Manager can run batch check to confirm quality
33:00 View of the Acrolinx Aggregated Report
34:00 get SCORE CARD with color-coded scores and goals — this is an engaging “gamification” approach to receiving appropriate results
37:00 Running Acrolinx check on XML files
40:00 Setting SEO as a choice in Acrolinx check — Can flag key words to look for … the check will check for key words and “density” … can see if the keyword is in metadata allows you to add SEO at the BEGINNING of the publishing function rather than as the traditional “Post-Publishing” function
43:00 Addressing Terminology … easy to import term sets
43:30 RE-USE
can connect with and import from Repositories
44:30 Analytics
Acrolinx integrates with many popular products, including PowerPoint and Outlook
45:00 review of RESOURCES and configuring RULES — Acrolinx has variety of “best practice” rules that you can select from Rules can be turned on and off
46:00 Configure Voice Scores … how to set target scores
48:00 Question and Answer