Comprehensive DITA Pubs & CMS Solution w. Adobe FrameMaker & DITAToo

There are many ways to easily convert unstructured data into DITA for FrameMaker. One of the most “automated” and intriguing ones is DITAToo. This FrameMaker partner solution (which includes a full CMS for DITA) was showcased by Alex Masycheff.

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Comprehensive DITA Pubs & CMS Solution w. Adobe FrameMaker & DITAToo

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Brief overview of DITAToo product highlights


DITAToo integrates with FrameMaker 11 & 12Elegant solution for translation management.Great CMS solution for FrameMaker


Diagram of DITAToo Components – DITAToo Author allows all team members to access and author content


AGENDA of what is covered in the DEMONSTRATION- Convert Wod doc to DITA - Edit converted topics in FrameMaker - Reference files stored in repository - Uploading DITAmap to repository - Restructuring the content repository - See how DITAToo Publishes


LIVE DEMO OF DITAToo- Review complex Word document that has very few styles; has manual formatting - Explanation of how DITAToo will convert styles to DITA Elements - Intelligence in DITAToo determines whether doc chunks should be TASKS or CONCEPTS - Graphics in Word are converted to externally referenced graphics in repository


DEMO What DITAToo looks like – Creating a project folder (folders are “virtual”)


Identify then convert a Word document … a few moments later, folders for CONCEPTS, TASKS and GRAPHICS are seen


Doing a preview of a Topic. Ten viewing the XML Source file


Viewing a TASK in preview and native XML


in PROJECT folder we see a DITAMap has been assembled automatically


Editing a DITA TOPIC in FrameMaker; Adding an item to a list; Checking the XML file from FM back into repository


Going to Connection Manager in FrameMaker … specifiy credential and server details for DITAToo. Will be able to access DITAToo from “CMS” menu in FrameMaker


Accessing repository content from w/in FrameMaker


adding optional comments when checking FM topic back into the repository


Browse in DITAToo repository for graphic, and insert that image into FM


Example of importing external graphic from LOCAL DRIVE vs repository … then upload topic with local disc graphic to the repository. DITAToo will upload the topic to repository … get an alert regarding the image … the local drive image is now accessed from the repository


Viewing the XML code view of DITA topic to see how HREF image elements look


Example of deciding to move some assets that are already referenced.


mid-DEMO questions


Had moved 2 screenshots to different locations within the repositoryWhen you open a topic that has an image … it is still there in XML CODE VIEW … you can see the UPDATED LOCATION of the imagesDITAToo has automatically kept linked graphics intact


see example of error message if you have deleted content in repository


ready to publish a topic that has 3 images of 3 versions of product.Using conditional images to create multiple versionsExample of using the “platform” attribute in [Fig] element to indicate versionNormally a DITAVAL filter would be used in FrameMakerYou can control which conditions are recognized WITHIN DITAToo


example of generating a DITAVAL file from within DITAToo. Affected assets are shown in menu, and you can select assets and conditions


QUESTIONS:DITAToo does it’s conversion based on “visual representation” of the content …If a network connection is lost … you have temp local copy on drive to work with