Digital Trends 2015: Infographic

Fol­low­ing on from my blog post yes­ter­day on the 2015 Dig­i­tal Trends Report.The team has put togeth­er an info­graph­ic to sum­marise some of the key high­lights of the report, but of course it’s still worth read­ing the report. You can down­load the 2015 Dig­i­tal Trends Report here.

If you haven’t seen my orig­i­nal blog, or read the report: The Dig­i­tal Trends 2015 Brief­ing, pro­duced in part­ner­ship with Econ­sul­tan­cy, exam­ines the key trends fac­ing many busi­ness sec­tors in 2015. For 2015 we have had a record num­ber of over 6000 mar­ket­ing, and ecom­merce pro­fes­sion­als around the world tak­ing part in the survey.

You can down­load the 2015 Dig­i­tal Trends Report here.