FrameMaker 12 Update released (12.0.4)

Hello Framers,

First of all, Wish you a very happy new year 2015! Today, I am pleased to announce that we have released an important update to the Technical Communication line of products which includes FrameMaker 12, FrameMaker XML Author 12 and RoboHelp 11. In this update, we have made several enhancements as well as addressed many issues, reported by our customers and partners.

In this post, I will be covering the enhancements and bug fixes for FrameMaker 12 and FrameMaker XML Author 12 only. To know more about the RoboHelp 11 update, please read another blog post.

Here are some of the enhancements we have made to FrameMaker 12/FrameMaker XML Author 12.

UI Enhancements

Publishing Enhancements

In addition, there several bug fixes and many more. For a complete list of enhancements and issues fixed, please refer to the ReadMe for this update.

FrameMaker 12.0.4 update is now available through Adobe Update Manager (AUM). You can also check for updates through Help > Update menu in FrameMaker 12. Lastly, it will also be available shortly for download from FrameMaker Support Center. I encourage all the FrameMaker 12 / FM XML Author 12 users to install this update.

I hope that you will find many of these enhancements useful. I do want to say “Thank You!” to all of those who submitted these ideas and bug reports. Keep your feedback coming!