Just4You #4: Major XML Authoring Improvements in FrameMaker 12

In the fourth session of “Just 4 You” select demonstrations, Adobe Product Evangelist, Maxwell Hoffmann, takes you some astonishing FrameMaker product improvements for a specific audience: users of older releases who may be thinking of going to DITA or XML and do not realize how much FrameMaker has improved in this area.

This presentation is also appropriate for non-FrameMaker users, who may be using a less expensive XML editor and who aren’t aware of FrameMaker’s impressive cost-saving advantages, and versatility in terms of also creating non-structured documents.

You may view the recording by clicking on the title below:

Just4You: Sess 4) XML Authoring Improvements in FrameMaker 12

Please use the expandable “Table of Contents” on the left-hand side of the screen. As shown in the screen capture below, if you place your cursor over a chapter or bookmark, a tooltip will indicate how many minutes and seconds into the recording that feature is covered. You may click on any of the bookmarks to jump straight to that subtopic!

04 TOC