Round-up: Top 10 Tech April Fools’ Pranks

It’s April Fool’s Day again, which means a day of fun for brands. This year we’ve seen every­thing from a back­wards Google search page to AirBnB’s lat­est ven­ture — rent­ing desks.

With the world of tech­nol­o­gy mov­ing at such a fast pace and viral trends as per­va­sive as the ‘self­ie’ appear­ing overnight, here are our 10 favourite tech pranks that might just come true:

1. Barclaycard – Barclaycard Anything:

2. Miz Mooz – Selfie Shoes:

3. Google Fibre – Dial-up Mode:

4. LG – Four senses OLED TV:

Enjoy our new line-up of TVs sup­port­ing the 4 sens­es View­ing, Hear­ing, Smelling & Com­mon Sense. Hap­py #April­Fools Day

— LG Jor­dan (@LGJordan) April 1, 2015

5 .Microsoft – MSDOS mobile:

6. PlayStation – PlayStation Flow:

Intro­duc­ing #PlaySta­tion­Flow for PS4. A water­shed moment for wear­able tech­nol­o­gy.

— PlaySta­tion Europe (@PlayStationEU) April 1, 2015

7. Samsung – Fli-Fy:

8. Sphero – #Selfiebot:

9. Dominos – #DomiNoDriver:

The #DomiN­oDriv­er spot­ted out and about deliv­er­ing Great­ness on-the-go! Vis­it

— Domino’s Piz­za UK (@Dominos_UK) April 1, 2015

10. Motorola – Handcrafted selfie sticks:

What April Fool’s pranks have caught your eye? Let us know in the com­ments below.