Digital Marketing Operations Track at Adobe Summit EMEA 2015

I curat­ed this con­tent to give Sum­mit del­e­gates a track ded­i­cat­ed to guid­ing the dig­i­tal mar­keter on how dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing can be weaved into the day to day mar­ket­ing oper­a­tions of a busi­ness. The six­teen ses­sions cov­er hot top­ics like Pri­va­cy and Mar­ket­ing, and dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion. An excit­ing ses­sion to high­light is ‘Don’t I know you? Deliv­er­ing an engag­ing expe­ri­ence across both online and offline chan­nels’, which is ded­i­cat­ed to demon­strat­ing the use of mul­ti­ple dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing solu­tions and how they can help pro­vide per­son­alised expe­ri­ences both online and offline to your clients.

We have includ­ed Indus­try ses­sions ded­i­cat­ed to Retail, Tel­co, Media and Enter­tain­ment, Finan­cial Ser­vices, Trav­el and Auto­mo­tive indus­tries with inno­v­a­tive brands such as Voda­fone, RyanAir, Volk­swa­gen. These indus­try focused ses­sions all run in par­al­lel on the after­noon April 30. We have teamed up with Razor­fish and built a Phy­gi­tal retail shop in ses­sion ‘The stores of the future — lever­ag­ing dig­i­tal in the store and online’. How­ev­er, my favorite ses­sion of this track is one for the ear­ly birds on April 30,. check out: ‘Dynam­ic Tag Man­age­ment: Turn this on now to become an agile mar­ket­ing nin­ja’ with Corey Spencer. His demon­stra­tion of how to set up DTM shows that tag man­age­ment real­ly is child’s play!

Below you can find the ses­sion descrip­tions for the Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Oper­a­tions track, if you are inter­est­ed in attend­ing any of these ses­sions please login to the Sum­mit App and reg­is­ter for the ones you want to attend before they fill up. I do hope you man­age to attend some of these ses­sions and enjoy your time at Summit.

How a DMP can change your business

Data Man­age­ment Plat­forms are the talk of the tech world right now, but what are they and more impor­tant­ly how can they help you as mar­keters realise your goals?

Dur­ing the ses­sion we will explain what a DMP is and show­case some real world case stud­ies where cus­tomers have seen amaz­ing returns on their invest­ment. From more effi­cient media buys to sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased con­ver­sions. This ses­sion is not to be missed!

If you’re inter­est­ed in DMP, I rec­om­mend­ing these two blogs: 5 ques­tions to ask your­self before buy­ing a Data Man­age­ment Plat­form & Data Man­age­ment Plat­forms and Big Data

The evo­lu­tion of mobile app pub­lish­ing with Adobe Publish

Get an exclu­sive unveil­ing of Adobe Pub­lish, a com­plete­ly re-imag­ined mobile app plat­form that builds upon the foun­da­tion of Adobe Dig­i­tal Pub­lish­ing Suite (DPS) to bring cus­tomers the next gen­er­a­tion of mobile app pub­lish­ing. It will allow you to make mobile apps for phones and tablets with­out requir­ing devel­op­ment and to pro­duce and dis­trib­ute great con­tent in sim­ple, cost-effec­tive and mod­ern ways. See first hand exam­ples of how a native view­ing expe­ri­ence, con­tin­u­ous con­tent updates and the enter­prise tools required to man­age apps across a large organ­i­sa­tion will dri­ve deep and last­ing read­er engage­ment to your audiences

Pri­va­cy and marketing

Join Adobe’s chief pri­va­cy offi­cer, Meme Ras­mussen, for a dis­cus­sion on bal­anc­ing the require­ments of pri­va­cy with the demands of dig­i­tal marketing.

Pro­files & Audi­ences: Eas­ing the pain of data-dri­ven marketing

What could be more pow­er­ful than know­ing exact­ly who your cus­tomers are, what they are like, and what they want? Data makes it all pos­si­ble. But the process­es to gath­er that data, analyse it and, most impor­tant­ly, take action on it, can be labour-inten­sive and involve a lot of hand­offs. In this ses­sion, we’ll show you how cus­tomer exam­ples and best prac­tices that reduce the time and effort required for effect data-dri­ven marketing.

Learn how to:

Cre­ativ­i­ty ♥ Data-dri­ven Mar­ket­ing. Man­ag­ing Assets across Mar­ket­ing Cloud

With data-dri­ven per­son­al­i­sa­tion and chan­nel opti­mi­sa­tion, demand for dig­i­tal assets has explod­ed, adding anoth­er lev­el of com­plex­i­ty. Today, cre­ativ­i­ty meets data-dri­ven mar­ket­ing. Learn about stream­lin­ing your con­tent cre­ation process­es to max­imise con­tent deliv­ery and mon­eti­sa­tion efforts. Adobe pro­vides seam­less inte­gra­tions between Adobe Cre­ative Cloud, Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, and third-par­ty sys­tems. See how to con­nect cre­ative work to mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties through real-life examples.

Get demon­stra­tions on shar­ing assets in these use cases:

Don’t I know you? Deliv­er­ing an engag­ing expe­ri­ence across both online and offline channels

Mar­ket­ing is com­pli­cat­ed. In today’s mul­ti-chan­nel world it’s increas­ing­ly more dif­fi­cult for the mar­keter to engage and deliv­er a rich, rel­e­vant cross-chan­nel expe­ri­ence, par­tic­u­lar­ly as the con­sumer tran­si­tions between online and offline states. How do you know it’s the same per­son? How do you insure con­sis­tent mes­sag­ing? How do you move the con­sumer from an anony­mous state to a known, authen­ti­cat­ed state?

In this ses­sion, you’ll learn how Euro­bet, one of Europe’s largest bet­ting com­pa­nies, uses Adobe tech­nolo­gies to engage with today’s increas­ing­ly mobile con­sumers across online and offline chan­nels, mov­ing them through the fun­nel, and cre­at­ing rich, reward­ing remar­ket­ing opportunities.

Dynam­ic Tag Man­age­ment: Turn this on now to become an agile mar­ket­ing ninja

The Acti­va­tion core ser­vice, pow­ered by dynam­ic tag man­age­ment, is more than the industry’s best tag man­age­ment solution—Activation is the cat­a­lyst to unlock the full poten­tial of the mar­ket­ing tech­nolo­gies you use from Adobe and any oth­er providers. Dur­ing this ses­sion, we walk you through how Acti­va­tion is used to:

Audi­ences across the Mar­ket­ing Cloud: Pro­file and Audi­ences plus Audi­ence Manager

What could be more pow­er­ful than know­ing exact­ly who your cus­tomers are, what they are like, and what they want? Data makes it all pos­si­ble. But the process­es to gath­er that data, analyse it and, most impor­tant­ly, take action on it, can be labour-inten­sive and involve a lot of hand­offs. In this ses­sion, we’ll show you cus­tomer exam­ples and best prac­tices that reduce the time and effort required for effect data-dri­ven marketing:

Buon­giorno, Sil­i­con Val­ley: How an Ital­ian fash­ion icon made com­merce as smooth as silk

In an age where mobile dom­i­nates and con­sumers are dig­i­tal­ly-empow­ered, shop­pers today demand engag­ing, dig­i­tal­ly-enhanced expe­ri­ences that unlock new val­ue. It’s also trans­formed how retail­ers sell and con­sumers buy.

In this ses­sion, we’ll explore how one lead­ing Ital­ian fash­ion icon dig­i­tal­ly trans­formed their busi­ness using Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud and com­merce tech­nol­o­gy from Elas­tic Path. By lever­ag­ing Accen­ture Interactive’s new “Fash­ion-in-a-Box” solu­tion, this retail­er has pro­vid­ed shop­pers with per­son­alised, immer­sive expe­ri­ences across any chan­nel, emo­tion­al­ly con­nect­ing with the cus­tomer in a dig­i­tal­ly enabled way.

Industry Afternoon

The stores of the future — lever­ag­ing dig­i­tal in the store and online

Con­sumer behav­iours are evolv­ing as tech­nol­o­gy con­tin­ues to empow­er shop­pers. Brick-and-mor­tar stores, once believed to be in per­il, have become an inte­gral part of the cus­tomer jour­ney. Lead­ing retail­ers are rein­vent­ing the store expe­ri­ence by devel­op­ing dynam­ic, data-dri­ven in-store dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences to engage shop­pers and increase traffic.

This ses­sion show­cas­es the best prac­tices in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing for retail in ‘Phy-gtial’ world.

The Jour­ney to Dig­i­tal Trans­for­ma­tion in Finan­cial Ser­vices: Choos­ing the right tech­nol­o­gy is JUST the beginning

The aspi­ra­tion of every finan­cial ser­vices insti­tu­tion is to deliv­er supe­ri­or cross-chan­nel cus­tomer expe­ri­ences to increase cus­tomer engage­ment, reten­tion and more impor­tant­ly dri­ve sales and rev­enue from dig­i­tal chan­nels. Despite all of the sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenges fac­ing the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try, retail banks, insur­ance com­pa­nies and wealth man­age­ment firms con­tin­ue to evolve and har­ness pow­er dig­i­tal to achieve their goals.

This process of trans­for­ma­tion and rein­ven­tion is jour­ney that involves more than just tech­nol­o­gy. Equal­ly as crit­i­cal are the peo­ple and process­es need­ed in con­junc­tion with any new dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy and capabilities.

This finan­cial ser­vices super-ses­sion will include:

Show me the mon­ey! Grow­ing rev­enues and audi­ences through the dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion over­tak­ing the media and enter­tain­ment industry

The busi­ness mod­els and con­sump­tion pat­terns for media & broad­cast have for­ev­er changed by the rise of dig­i­tal. Where­as media com­pa­nies, broad­cast­ers and stu­dios once con­trolled the tim­ing, access and mar­ket­ing of con­tent, con­sumers now demand access every­where, have more pro­gram­ming and con­tent choic­es, and even con­tribute to con­tent creation. The chal­lenge for media com­pa­nies today, is not mas­ter­ing the world of dig­i­tal media, but mas­ter­ing of media and con­tent in what is now a ful­ly dig­i­tal world. In this ses­sion, dis­cus­sions will include how media com­pa­nies look at most valu­able audi­ences seg­ments across plat­forms, mea­sure those audi­ences accu­rate­ly and lever­age data to cre­ate opti­mised con­sumer experiences.

Tel­co – Are you re-invent­ing your­self faster than the industry?

In the space of just a few years the mobile has become the only item you won’t leave home with­out. In the com­ing years our depen­den­cy will become stronger with the intro­duc­tion or wear­ables, con­nect­ed liv­ing, cars, health etc…

To add to the mad­ness oper­a­tors are merg­ing ser­vices grow from mobile through to fixed, broad­band and TV and the con­sumer demands speed that we could only dream of five years ago. Are you rein­vent­ing your­self and your busi­ness at the same rate?

In this ses­sion you will hear from major brands Voda­fone & Swiss­com on how they have trans­formed their teams, process­es and tech­nol­o­gy to meet the needs of their end con­sumers and more impor­tant­ly stay ahead of the competition. We will then switch gears and look at how Accen­ture sup­ports the Tel­co indus­try in dri­ving change from large trans­for­ma­tion­al projects through to sup­port­ing the day to day operation.

Dig­i­tal­ly empow­er­ing cus­tomers across the trav­el journey

Today’s trav­el­ers have more options than ever to con­trol their trav­el expe­ri­ence, from research and reviews, fare and rate com­par­isons, through in-jour­ney and post-jour­ney. With chan­nel frag­men­ta­tion, learn how RyanAir is lever­ag­ing dig­i­tal to deliv­er cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and increase rev­enue across the trav­el lifecycle.

Hear more about:

The BIG Auto­mo­tive shift: Inno­va­tor today, old­timer tomorrow?

The change and dis­rup­tion that the auto­mo­tive indus­try is going through today is intense. From rad­i­cal devel­op­ment in propul­sion tech­nol­o­gy to rapid advance­ment in con­nec­tiv­i­ty, this indus­try has been faced with such trans­for­ma­tion in a few years that oth­er indus­tries face in their lifetime. New entrants, new direct-to-con­sumer sales mod­el and the evolv­ing buy­ing, usage and own­er­ship pat­tern add fuel to this dis­rup­tion A per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for evo­lu­tion by muta­tion or extinc­tion by irrel­e­vance for estab­lished Brands.

If you’re inter­est­ed in this ses­sion I rec­om­mend you read: The Death of Tra­di­tion­al Auto­mo­tive Retail­ing – What’s next?

See you at EMEA Sum­mit! Vis­it the EMEA Sum­mit web­site to book your ses­sions now.

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