Creativity in the age of Omni-channel — Part 1
Nowadays, the digital marketing era is long gone: we are now living in a world where the digital technologies are in the service of global marketing. Currently, the only way to really make a difference for a brand, beyond the creation of high added value products or service, is to be able to create a unique client experience, something truly out of the ordinary and outstanding, creating emotion. The main objective of any campaign should be to create intimacy between the client and the brand, at the moment when the client is the most available. The real challenge lies in the brands’ ability to emerge from the noise — in a world where every single brand has a website, a Facebook presence and/or a mobile app — by being creative, original and different. Therefore, creativity, the capacity for a brand to imagine, create and distribute powerful differentiating experiences, is absolutely essential.
But does a brand achieve this objective? In the first part of this article discussing creativity in the age of Omni-channel, we will see how marketers can take advantage of technology to boost creativity and create richer interactions with their clients. Next week, we’ll explore in more details what are the pillars of creativity in this omni-channel environment.
The Omni-Channel challenge
Much more than an “integrated” vision, the term omni-channel means focusing on a seamless approach to the customer experience, using all available customer-facing channels, both physical and online. Omni-channel is also the era of convergence between science and art, between data and creativity: the meeting between rich and appealing content, and the consumption of the data issued from these contents.
Technology (like personalization, geo-localization, or dynamic targeting) now allows marketers to create and deliver compelling experiences to the right audience at the right time, through the right channel. However, the real issue is still the capacity of a brand to push the right message, a unique communication standing out from the crowd, at the right moment, in order to obtain a conversion.
Embracing omni-channel then means unifying the experience your customers receive each time they engage with your brand, but also keeping a close eye to what excites and what annoys them.
Creating a marketing message
From the collection of customer data to the segmentation of audiences, the creation of the marketing message and the delivery of a seamless campaign across all channels, adopting an omni-channel approach to your marketing strategy is all about the ability to intelligently target the right messages to customers.
To achieve that, it is vital for brands to be able to listen to their customers, to predict the behaviors of their clients using the data collected, to assemble a creative message by thinking out of the box, and then to deliver it dynamically across all relevant mediums, at the right moment.
Creating memorable moments — being able to get integrated in its client’s life by making them live a unique experience in order to promote a product or a service – has always been and still is, one of the fundamentals of marketing. It is only the options available to marketers which have increased, finally allowing them to target and personalize the relation through creatives which keep on getting more fascinating and better performing.
So, what are some of the challenges you face in the age of omni-channel? Do not hesitate to share your views in the comments section below, before our follow-up article about the pillars of creativity.