Innovations and Thought Leaders (Day 1) Adobe Summit EMEA 2015
It’s just two weeks until Adobe Summit EMEA 2015 gets underway and the final touches are currently being put into place as we prepare ourselves for the biggest Summit to date. I have had the privilege of, once again, managing the Innovations & Thought Leaders Track. My mission has been to pull together a group of individuals that will inspire the audience and provide leadership insights and strategies that will enable delegates to build the next generation of marketing success for their organisation.
The Innovations Track will follow the same popular format as last year with 16 sessions taking place across the two days. This content will be delivered in 20 minute TEDTalk-style sessions. Shorter than the other track sessions but still long enough to inspire and ignite innovation, creativity and business improvement.
I am incredibly excited with this year’s roster of thought leaders – from business leaders to marketing practitioners, industry commentators to inspirational speakers – and I encourage you to register early for their sessions to avoid disappointment!
Below is a summary of what we have planned for Day 1:
The Data** Revolution in Media Consumption**
The age of moving images is taking a leap forward. Ever since its inception back in 2007, Red Bull Media House has consistently delivered content which involves its audiences emotionally – not only through breath-taking video footage, but also with revolutionary technology.
Prepare yourself to expect the unexpected as Andi Gall, Chief Technology Officer of Red Bull Media House showcases a series of examples of how Red Bull make media experiences feel even more thrilling. Today, wearables and sensors collect metadata which Red Bull seamlessly integrates into moving images. The era of in-motion insights and data intelligence has truly started.
‘Tangible stuff that does things’ versus ‘the thing that does tangible’
Next up is a session which reflects on the incredible speed of change in our world. It is expected that by the end of the decade self-driving cars will be commonplace in our society, while wearable and embedded technology will be providing a constant stream of Big Data. Mobile commerce will be central to the success of businesses, and managing personal brands will become essential.
Jez Frampton, the Group CEO of Interbrand, which annually ranks the most influential and powerful brands on the planet in an authoritative survey, speaks engagingly on this subject. Frampton contends that brands which provide a value creation mechanism that provides trust, understanding, differentiation and desire are the most likely to be successful.
How to achieve long-term organic profit growth
Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London Business School, produced an acclaimed tome, “Beyond the Familiar: Long-Term Growth through Customer Focus and Innovation”, on which this session will be based. It will also draw on the authors’ previous book “Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most”; winner of the American Marketing Association’s 2005 Berry-AMA Book Prize.
What could be more valuable to companies than achieving long-term organic profit growth? Well, Barwise here offers some practical and straightforward advice which can help businesses in the process of achieving this holy grail. Barwise provides practical examples from real world settings which illuminate and inform.
How to become an influential senior marketer
The last session before lunch will be chaired by Leadership Expert Thomas Barta, who will give fascinating and valuable insight into the largest ever study carried out into the subject of what makes a successful marketer. In particular, Barta assesses the 40 relevancies which will enable you to become a respected marketer within your organisation.
Simply getting a handle on these relevancies will enable you to lead the customer agenda, drive customer-focused innovation, build and lead great teams, and develop your personal career vision. This is unquestionably a hugely valuable session for all digital marketers.
The Human API — Plugging into the source of human engagement
After a one and a half hour break for lunch and networking, the innovation track reopens with this fascinating examination of the difficulty of engaging customers in the 21st century. It seems today that the average person has an incredibly short attention span, and increasing numbers of distractions in this mobile, digital-focused society and culture.
Brian Solis will teach marketers how to break through this fog of distraction and engage with everyday people by simply offering them information and content which is relevant to their needs. Solis refers to this as “Responsive Storytelling”, and this session will outline his particular vision for digital marketing in the present and future.
If you’re interested in this session I’d like to draw your attention to an interview with Brian Solis on
The need for speed: From creation to execution — asset sharing at Formula One
Facilitating more seamless collaboration between designers, marketers and agencies is a challenge that most organisations face. In this particular session, Chris Muscutt, Digital Development Manager at Shell will provides us a behind-the-scenes look at how Adobe Marketing Cloud and Creative Cloud power its on-location Formula One racing social marketing — from live action photography to creative to publication across social channels.
Big Data was a revolutionary concept a few years ago, but although the general public has perhaps not yet caught up with this technology, Big Data has already become a mainstream marketing tool. Businesses all over the world have been collecting, collating and analysing Big Data for several years already, and new challenges are now emerging in this sphere.
Increasingly, companies need to gain meaningful insights that can be monetised from Big Data, and utilise this to create additional value for customers. This particular session will argue that the embryonic technology of the Internet of Things will be a strong enabler in expanding the location, time, context and intimate value of information.
Alison Evans, Senior Business Consultant in Business Value Consulting at Adobe, Ludovic Levy, Vice President of Big Data at Orange Group and Gregoire Pauty, Sales Manager, of Adobe Global Services will chair this important session which will examine some of the most important and influential technologies of the present and coming years.
New tech trends around the world
Of course, the very nature of digital marketing ensures that this is one of the fastest moving industrial niches in the world. So this session will take a panoramic look at new digital trends, emerging technologies and technological innovations from all four corners of the planet. This presentation will be based on the findings from the Netexplo Observatory, which is partnered with UNESCO and many of the top universities worldwide.
How to get the money AND the girl
The final presentation of the day will come from Dietmar Dahmen, who can best be described as a creative consultant, visionary, futurologist and innovation expert. Dahmen will walk attendees through the way to stay ahead of the competition through incredible innovations. Businesses can sometimes be conservative, and Dahmen will strongly argue that the way to keep customers happy is to continually challenge yourself and innovate whenever conceivable.
This wraps up the first day of the Innovations & Thought Leaders Track at Adobe Summit EMEA, but there is still an engaging second day for all participants to look forward to.
Cover Image © ra2 studio — Fotolia