Pre Summit Training at Adobe Summit EMEA

And so we approach that time of year once more, when mar­keters across Europe start work­ing out what to wear, and what ses­sions to attend as Europe’s biggest Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing event descends on Lon­don at the ExCel Cen­tre in Docklands.

As usu­al, we have an impres­sive array of guest speak­ers and ses­sions that are guar­an­teed to broad­en your dig­i­tal hori­zons and open your eyes to the poten­tial of the future of Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing and how to opti­mise your cus­tomers dig­i­tal experiences.

The main con­fer­ence starts on Wednes­day 29th April, but on the Mon­day and Tues­day before­hand, there is the unique expe­ri­ence of being able to spend time with some of Adobe’s best, in the form of the pre-sum­mit train­ing ses­sions. These ses­sions are brought to you by the Adobe train­ers them­selves, a group known for their exper­tise in their par­tic­u­lar fields, and hav­ing deliv­ered cours­es to a diverse client base through­out EMEA. They are able to bring insights and expe­ri­ences into the train­ing ses­sions, which take these ses­sions far beyond the mere expla­na­tion of how the var­i­ous pieces of soft­ware inter­act and the basic tech­ni­cal­i­ties of each.

This year we bring you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend a vari­ety of cours­es com­pris­ing of four dif­fer­ent one day train­ing ses­sions with three of them being repeat­ed across the two days, and also two dif­fer­ent two day cours­es span­ning both the pre-sum­mit train­ing days.

One-day courses (Monday 27 April 2015)

Adobe Campaign: Discovery

Adobe Analytics: Dynamic Tag Management

Adobe Analytics: Optimising your Social Digital Footprint

One-day courses (Tuesday 28 April 2015)

Adobe Analytics: Dynamic Tag Management

Adobe Campaign: Interaction

Adobe Analytics: Optimising your Social Digital Footprint

Two-day courses (Monday 27 April and Tuesday 28 April 2015)

Adobe Experience Manager: Introduction to the Developer Process

Adobe Experience Manager: Discovering the new features of AEM6

There’s still time and space to reg­is­ter for these cours­es. Pre­pare your­self for the upcom­ing Sum­mit ses­sions by immers­ing your­self in the pre-sum­mit train­ing and get the very most pos­si­ble from the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA Con­fer­ence.