Let’s talk shop: Search masterclass for retail advertisers

In 2014, Black Friday’s relat­ed queries in the UK went up by 400%. This is not mere sta­tis­tics but it rep­re­sents the pace at which the online retail land­scape is rapid­ly evolv­ing. This is also echoed in the Adobe Dig­i­tal Index report: ‘Hol­i­day Shop­ping In Europe Gets Mobile, With UK, Ire­land Most Advanced’.

As the dis­tinc­tion between online and offline is blur­ring, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing is becom­ing bor­der­less. By 2017 dig­i­tal media in UK will influ­ence near­ly $1.8 tril­lion in retail sales, more than 60% of total sales.

Brands are there­fore increas­ing­ly chal­lenged to cre­ate the per­fect mar­ket­ing mix to reach the right cus­tomers at the right time on mul­ti­ple devices with rel­e­vant con­tent, all while main­tain­ing an effi­cient ROAS.

But what are those chal­lenges and how should that reflect into your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy? These are the areas we will be focus­ing on dur­ing the ses­sion “Let’s talk shop: Search mas­ter­class for retail adver­tis­ers” at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2015:

Ensur­ing the right reach

Like the philo­soph­i­cal dilem­ma teach­es us “If a tree falls in a for­est and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”, sim­i­lar­ly what hap­pens if you have a great ad but not an audi­ence to receive it?

Ensur­ing the right reach is a key to suc­ceed and achieve a strong return on your invest­ment. But it’s not just that. Audi­ences can access your con­tent from mul­ti­ple devices, expe­ri­ence needs to be tai­lored and prod­ucts need to be avail­able to be adver­tised and ready for deliv­ery. How do you take all into account when you adver­tise your products?

Man­ag­ing spend efficiently

“Mon­ey is a tool that can take you wher­ev­er you wish, but it will not replace you as the dri­ver” [Ayn Rand – Russ­ian Philoso­pher]. So once you have iden­ti­fied who your tar­get is and you know your bud­get, the next ques­tion to answer is how do you steer your strat­e­gy to reach your ROI tar­gets? How do you split your spend effi­cient­ly across tens of busi­ness units, mil­lions of key­words, hun­dreds of SKUs?

Fine tun­ing strategies

Final­ly, when imple­ment­ing your plans you will need to main­tain some flex­i­bil­i­ty to make con­stant adjust­ments. Fine tun­ing strate­gies are the icing on the cake and a fun­da­men­tal part of your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. How do you respond to com­peti­tors and react to sud­den mar­ket changes?

If you want to find out how Adobe Media Opti­miz­er pro­vides retail adver­tis­ers with the abil­i­ty to deal with these chal­lenges through advanced opti­miza­tion tech­niques, come along to our “Search mas­ter­class for retail adver­tis­ers” ses­sion at the Adobe Sum­mit. With­in this ses­sion you will hear from one of the biggest retail­ers in the UK, House of Fras­er, who will be shar­ing their sto­ry on how the use of Adobe Media Opti­miz­er enabled them to ensure unprece­dent­ed suc­cess dur­ing their biggest pro­mo­tion­al event.