Increase Account Enrolments by Improving Customer Experience

We’ve all been there. Wait­ing inline at your bank or gov­ern­ment agency to open an account or request a ser­vice. Idly pass­ing the time on your mobile phone by brows­ing Ama­zon or Face­book. Only to get to the counter and have to down­shift from those great mobile con­sumer expe­ri­ences, to hav­ing to fill out paper appli­ca­tions. And all too often, attempt­ing these com­plex trans­ac­tions online today is either impos­si­ble or very difficult.

Yet unsat­is­fy­ing online expe­ri­ences are com­mon in indus­tries like gov­ern­ment or finan­cial ser­vices. In a recent sur­vey of online bank­ing cus­tomers, 66% said they did not have good dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences. Part of the prob­lem is that in these indus­tries, a com­plex trans­ac­tion is need­ed to get a deci­sion or approval (say on a cred­it card appli­ca­tion, loan appli­ca­tion, or gov­ern­ment ben­e­fit). And these com­plex trans­ac­tions typ­i­cal­ly rely on forms based process­es that are either part­ly paper based or haven’t been reimag­ined yet for the dig­i­tal and mobile age.

But it is very impor­tant to get this dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence right. Research shows that bank­ing cus­tomers that are very sat­is­fied with their dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence will do dou­ble the trans­ac­tions. And a well-opti­mized dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence also reduces costs. For exam­ple, in the retail bank­ing indus­try each account opened online rather than in-per­son saves £37 (or €51)! This means opti­miz­ing dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences for these com­plex trans­ac­tions can impact your top and bot­tom line.

Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er (AEM) pro­vides the foun­da­tion for orga­ni­za­tions to tack­le this prob­lem. And with the lat­est updates to the forms capa­bil­i­ties, it is eas­i­er than ever to dig­i­tize com­plex trans­ac­tions to improve cus­tomer expe­ri­ences and reduce costs. Improve­ments in our lat­est release will allow orga­ni­za­tions to re-imag­ine old world expe­ri­ences like open­ing bank accounts or fil­ing insur­ance claims with intu­itive web & mobile expe­ri­ences. Best of all, orga­ni­za­tions don’t have to rip and replace lega­cy sys­tems to achieve these results. AEM Forms inte­grates with them to lever­age cur­rent invest­ments, keep costs down and reduce time to market.

We do all this by lever­ag­ing the advanced capa­bil­i­ties in AEM along with the pow­er of the full Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud. For exam­ple, now you can deliv­er dig­i­tal doc­u­ments as well as forms that auto­mat­i­cal­ly reflow and adapt to the user’s device. These can be inte­grat­ed to Adobe Ana­lyt­ics to give deep insight into forms and doc­u­ment usage. Going a step fur­ther, you can use Adobe Tar­get to extend A/B test­ing to trans­ac­tion­al forms vari­ants. These capa­bil­i­ties help pro­vide seam­less opti­mized expe­ri­ences for users that will max­i­mize con­ver­sion and dig­i­tal adoption.

We’ll be in Lon­don at the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA unveil­ing many of these new fea­tures. If you are in an indus­try that deals with com­plex trans­ac­tions like finan­cial ser­vices, phar­ma, health care, or gov­ern­ment you’ll find this par­tic­u­lar­ly rel­e­vant to improv­ing your customer’s inter­ac­tions. For those of you can’t make it, no wor­ries, you can get a sense of what we’ll be cov­er­ing by watch­ing a record­ing from US Adobe Sum­mit a few weeks ago. For those attend­ing EMEA Sum­mit this year, we hope to see you at our ses­sion (reg­is­ter here).