The Adobe Summit App – what you need to know

Sum­mit App’arition

You saw it here first, we hope that is what you say when peo­ple ask you about your mobile marketing.

Under­stand­ing that the main func­tion for any event app is to pro­vide time­ly infor­ma­tion to del­e­gates while they attend the event and so hav­ing that func­tion­al­i­ty front and cen­tre of the app is crit­i­cal. As Adobe are host­ing the biggest dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing event of its type in Europe, we also under­stand that we need to deliv­er our del­e­gates an event app that offers more than just a stan­dard event com­pan­ion app.

“For Mobile Mar­ket­ing the app must become the ad” Adobe CMO Ann Lewnes stat­ed at the recent For­rester Forum.

I may have been a lit­tle busy prepar­ing for our own Sum­mit event to attend the For­rester Forum but that tweet drove home what we had to do. Our app is rep­re­sent­ing the Adobe brand, dri­ving engage­ment long before and long after the two short days of the event itself, and it is what those attend­ing the event will prob­a­bly inter­act with most while they are in Lon­don Dock­lands. The app along with the delegate’s phone will be with­out doubt the clos­est Adobe will get to the del­e­gate. Our event app will have a huge share of ear, eye and index fin­ger, so we need to make it work.

We worked hard to devel­op an immer­sive app that will pro­vide del­e­gates with a per­son­alised and inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence at this year’s Summit.

By down­load­ing and using the mobile app, you will be get­ting the most out of attend­ing Sum­mit EMEA 2015.

You can browse our line-up and cre­ate your per­son­al sched­ule, then log in to sync it with your desk­top account and oth­er devices. Find your friends and con­nec­tions and net­work with thou­sands of oth­er Sum­mit atten­dees. You can also find your way around the ICC Excel, nav­i­gate the whole event and even see where the oth­er del­e­gates are in real time with our Walk­base pow­ered del­e­gate heatmaps! Stay­ing con­nect­ed to the social world could not be eas­i­er and you’ll be able to link to the inter­ac­tive Social wall.

With the Sum­mit EMEA app you can sync your online sched­ule with your mobile device, so your info will always be up-to-date! It is easy to build your sched­ule online at or direct­ly on your mobile device. For an enhanced and per­son­alised expe­ri­ence, enable Blue­tooth and Push noti­fi­ca­tions, learn more below.

New for 2015:


Down­load the Sum­mit App now! Click below to down­load the iPhone, iPad, or Android app:


Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 13.28.46 Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 13.26.49

Adobe Sum­mit will be using bea­con tech­nol­o­gy and Wi-Fi map­ping this April with the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA app. Util­is­ing the event Wi-Fi (a guide on how to access is in the app) and Blue­tooth LE tech­nol­o­gy, the app incor­po­rates zon­ing to pro­vide del­e­gates with a sam­ple selec­tion of per­son­alised mes­sages, demon­strat­ing the ease of loca­tion aware cam­paign mar­ket­ing, all pow­ered by the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud. We hope we will be inspir­ing more of you mobile mar­ket­ing types to try out some inter­est­ing loca­tion based, real time, per­son­alised cam­paigns of your own.

The bea­cons will also pro­vide use­ful event mes­sages based on loca­tion. You may even trig­ger the Sum­mit EMEA app prize, you will need to be logged in to the event app with wifi and blue­tooth on to enter!

We’ll be using in app mes­sag­ing to send oth­er time­ly and spe­cif­ic mes­sages. For exam­ple, when your next reg­is­tered ses­sion is about to start we’ll let you know. The app is designed to help you at Sum­mit so the select num­ber of bea­con and push mes­sages are designed to be rel­e­vant and per­son­alised to you.

To par­tic­i­pate in the bea­con pro­gram this year, log into Sum­mit EMEA app. Make sure you have Noti­fi­ca­tions turned on, enable Blue­tooth and you’re all set.

Stay tuned for bea­con inte­gra­tion com­ing in the next mobile app update due mid-April!

I hope you enjoy your time at Sum­mit and that the Sum­mit App helps you make the most of your time there. If you have any ques­tions relat­ing to the tech­nol­o­gy we used to cre­ate this app, such as Adobe Cam­paign, for the per­son­alised wel­come mes­sage or Adobe Tar­get for the push mes­sages on our mobile ser­vices, Adobe Ana­lyt­ics or phone gap plug in please vis­it the Adobe Stand at the cen­tre of the Com­mu­ni­ty Pavil­ion. The Com­mu­ni­ty Pavil­ion is also where you will find a phone charg­ing zone for your your mobile device and refresh­ments for you.

To ensure func­tion­al­i­ty we worked with sev­er­al partners: Attendease helped us devel­op the app, helped with the polling and Q+A and Walk­base pow­ered the map­ping func­tion­al­i­ty and analytics.

And if you want to know how all of this fits togeth­er and peek under the hood of the mobile app, don’t for­get to attend our ses­sion, “Decon­struct­ing the new mobile expe­ri­ence: per­son­al­i­sa­tion, tar­get­ing, push, hyper-local­i­sa­tion, ana­lyt­ics and a whole lot more!” (MO01) on Wednes­day 29 April at 13:00am.

Will it work on my smartphone?

You’ll need :

iOS Mobile (phone and tablet):

Android Mobile (phone and tablet):

There are known defi­cien­cies in some devices and on some ver­sions of Android that can­not be addressed due to car­ri­er lock­ing, car­ri­er refusal to pro­vide updates, jail­bro­ken devices, and oth­er issues. Every attempt will be made to ensure that the mobile app func­tions as intend­ed on all sup­port­ed API ver­sions, but there are fac­tors beyond con­trol that we can­not be held respon­si­ble for.

Jail­bro­ken devices will not be sup­port­ed.

If you have any sup­port ques­tions please send them to +44 1462 744932 or