What is a Data Management Platform?

The explo­sion of data seen across all mar­kets now means that orga­ni­za­tions have more data on their cus­tomers than ever before. This data comes from both tra­di­tion­al (CRM, call cen­tre, print, web etc.) and new (mobile, con­nect­ed devices, IPTV etc.) data sources.

The chal­lenge organ­i­sa­tions face is that their data resides in sep­a­rate silo’s across the busi­ness, in sys­tems that do not allow for mar­keters to access and take action against it in a time­ly way.

With their con­sumers now demand­ing a more per­son­al­ized and tai­lored expe­ri­ence, access to this data in a way that allows for this per­son­al­iza­tion is invalu­able in ensur­ing the right mes­sage is shown at the right time to the right person.

This is where a Data Man­age­ment Plat­form (DMP) steps in to become the most valu­able tool in the mar­keters’ armory, allow­ing them to seam­less­ly (and rapid­ly) col­lect, inte­grate, man­age and acti­vate those large vol­umes of data.

A DMP there­fore allows a busi­ness to cre­ate a uni­fied view of their cus­tomers across all chan­nels and touch points, by bring­ing togeth­er not only all of their own data, but also the abil­i­ty to add third-par­ty data that can extend and enrich the view of their cus­tomers. This leads to sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fits for both Adver­tis­ers and Publishers.

For adver­tis­ers, the recent rise of bid­d­a­ble dis­play buy­ing, which focus­es on buy­ing audi­ences instead of place­ments, means that hav­ing access to the best qual­i­ty data ensures bet­ter buy­ing deci­sions are made, lead­ing to bet­ter Return on Media Invest­ment. This is exact­ly what the DMP deliv­ers, as well as the abil­i­ty to extend the audi­ence reach through the addi­tion of third-par­ty data and algo­rith­mic modeling.

Pub­lish­ers, who are look­ing to dri­ve increased ad-rev­enue through their avail­able inven­to­ry, will lever­age the capa­bil­i­ties of a DMP to bet­ter under­stand and enrich the view of their vis­i­tors, and there­fore make them more attrac­tive to adver­tis­ers. This will allow them grow ad yields through more pre­mi­um selling.

Both Adver­tis­ers and Pub­lish­ers can then use the uni­fied view of the cus­tomer from the DMP to deliv­er bet­ter on-site per­son­al­iza­tion and con­tent opti­miza­tion to their cus­tomers, dri­ving bet­ter engage­ment and conversion.

By lever­ag­ing a DMP, busi­ness­es can also ensure they take more con­trol and own­er­ship of their data. One of the worst feel­ings for a mar­keter is when they real­ize they can’t leave a bad ven­dor because they have a stran­gle­hold on their own data. On a sim­i­lar note, not know­ing how their data is being used due to data leak­age (from 3rd par­ty tags on their site) is a major con­cern for busi­ness­es. These are all chal­lenges answered by a DMP.

To find out more about how Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er, the mar­ket lead­ing Data Man­age­ment Plat­form accord­ing to For­rester, can help your busi­ness, come along to How a DMP can change your busi­ness & Pro­files & Audi­ences and Audi­ence Man­ag­er – What should you be doing? at Adobe Sum­mit next week.

If you’d pre­fer we also have the tech­ni­cal & Hands-on Labs, where the fol­low­ing ses­sions will heklp you get to grips with Adobe’s Data Man­age­ment Plat­form (DMP) — Audi­ence Manager: Hands on with Audi­ence Man­ag­er, cre­ate, seg­ment and acti­vate audi­ences for onsite and off­site per­son­al­i­sa­tion & Vis­i­tor Pro­file Acti­va­tion in Audi­ence Man­ager