#MillennialMarketer live chat with Brian Solis
This week nearly 4000 marketers from around world will be discussing all things digital marketing at Adobe Summit.
I’m pleased to say I will have some time with Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group and social media evangelist, to talk about the hot topic of the moment, Millennials. This group totals 2 billion members worldwide, and in the UK alone that equates to 15.8 million 16 to 34-year-olds, representing more than $2.5 trillion in spending by 2020.
Marketers want to connect with Millennials, but this tech savy group is challenging many to question their approach, engagement methods and marketing strategies. Millennials, like myself, are also changing the dynamic within the marketing department. Both these dimensions are, as Brian points out in a recent CMO.com article, “creating potential disruption”.
“They’re [Millennials] different as customers but they’re also different as employees. Companies typically have horrible cultures, built on models from the 1950s and 1960s. There’s no intrepreneurial or entrepreneurial spirit to really motivate younger people, to create places they can relate to and where they’re appreciated. This is creating potential disruption.” — Brian Solis quoted in CMO.com
I’ll be talking about the disruption Millennials are causing for both marketers and organisation at 4:15pm BST 29th April.
To join in the conversation:
- Watch the live stream through Periscope. To find us on Periscope search for ‘Adobe Marketing Cloud’ and follow us to get the notification when the live stream begins.
- Watch via Summit Live, just register and tune in to the website at 4.15pm
- Send us your questions about millennial marketing on Twitter by using the #MillennialMarketer hashtag.
- Connect with us on Twitter: @BrianSolis, @Sikenic, @AdobemktgCloud, & CMO_com