#MillennialMarketer live chat with Brian Solis

This week near­ly 4000 mar­keters from around world will be dis­cussing all things dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing at Adobe Summit.

I’m pleased to say I will have some time with Bri­an Solis, prin­ci­pal ana­lyst at Altime­ter Group and social media evan­ge­list, to talk about the hot top­ic of the moment, Mil­len­ni­als. This group totals 2 bil­lion mem­bers world­wide, and in the UK alone that equates to 15.8 mil­lion 16 to 34-year-olds, rep­re­sent­ing more than $2.5 tril­lion in spend­ing by 2020.

Mar­keters want to con­nect with Mil­len­ni­als, but this tech savy group is chal­leng­ing many to ques­tion their approach, engage­ment meth­ods and mar­ket­ing strate­gies. Mil­len­ni­als, like myself, are also chang­ing the dynam­ic with­in the mar­ket­ing depart­ment. Both these dimen­sions are, as Bri­an points out in a recent CMO.com arti­cle, “cre­at­ing poten­tial disruption”.

“They’re [Mil­len­ni­als] dif­fer­ent as cus­tomers but they’re also dif­fer­ent as employ­ees. Com­pa­nies typ­i­cal­ly have hor­ri­ble cul­tures, built on mod­els from the 1950s and 1960s. There’s no intre­pre­neur­ial or entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it to real­ly moti­vate younger peo­ple, to cre­ate places they can relate to and where they’re appre­ci­at­ed. This is cre­at­ing poten­tial dis­rup­tion.” — Bri­an Solis quot­ed in CMO.com

I’ll be talk­ing about the dis­rup­tion Mil­len­ni­als are caus­ing for both mar­keters and organ­i­sa­tion at 4:15pm BST 29th April.

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