2015 Summit EMEA Will Reveal New Ways to Leverage Adobe Campaign

Adobe Sum­mit EMEA is almost here! I am excit­ed to be pre­sent­ing at three key break­out ses­sions in the Cam­paign Man­age­ment and Email Mar­ket­ing track. You will dis­cov­er some great new infor­ma­tion about the ways cus­tomers are lever­ag­ing Cam­paign to opti­mize email cam­paign man­age­ment, how you can dri­ve ROI by deploy­ing Cam­paign, and an impor­tant announce­ment about the lat­est Cam­paign enhancements.

What’s the ROI of Adobe Cam­paign? – CE05 (April 29, 1:00 pm)

These days, mar­ket­ing per­for­mance is viewed with more scruti­ny than ever before. Chief mar­ket­ing offi­cers must be account­able for the return on invest­ment in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Now that there is quan­tifi­able evi­dence prov­ing the mar­ket­ing team’s con­tri­bu­tion to the bot­tom line, CMOs are in a posi­tion to become more vocal about the impact of their teams’ suc­cess on enter­prise value.

In this ses­sion, I will dis­cuss the key chal­lenges that CMOs must over­come relat­ed to mea­sur­ing ROI and how Adobe Cam­paign is enabling cus­tomers to address those chal­lenges. Patrick Tripp, senior prod­uct mar­ket­ing man­ag­er, will also present an inno­v­a­tive ROI mod­el, designed to help com­pa­nies eval­u­ate the ROI of cross-chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment. We’ll also share best prac­tices and real ROIs that have been mea­sured by some of our flag­ship customers.

This ses­sion is offered for dig­i­tal mar­keters of all lev­els and industries.

Adobe Cam­paign in the Mar­ket­ing Cloud: New Use Cas­es – CE03 (April 29, 5:15 pm)

Today’s dig­i­tal cus­tomers expect effi­cient, con­sis­tent, and per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ences deliv­ered across mul­ti­ple chan­nels and touch­points. That is why it is crit­i­cal to deploy inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing solu­tions. Adobe Cam­paign is one native­ly inte­grat­ed set of solu­tions among eight in the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud.

Dri­ving effi­cient, con­sis­tent, and per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ences through incon­sis­tent poor­ly inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing tech­nolo­gies will not get the job done. Some of today’s lead­ing inter­na­tion­al brands have depend­ed on Adobe Cam­paign to deliv­er those per­fect cus­tomer expe­ri­ences. Thanks to its native inte­gra­tion with the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, Adobe Cam­paign has pro­vid­ed us with indus­try-first use cas­es to explore.

In this intro­duc­to­ry ses­sion, Cam­paign evan­ge­list Math­ieu Han­nouz, Voyages-sncf.com client and data strat­e­gy direc­tor Marie-Lau­re Casse, and I will discuss:

One More Fan­tas­tic Session

Please also join me for a reveal­ing ses­sion (CE06) on April 30 at 2:00 pm, where we will share some won­der­ful, new, and impor­tant infor­ma­tion about Adobe Campaign.

If you can­not attend these live ses­sions, you will be able to view record­ed ver­sions when they become avail­able at the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA web­site. I hope to see you this week!